chapitre 5 | Looking out for you

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Date: Saturday, 6AM.

Location: [Last name]'s house. More precisely the kitchen.

Everything was a mess, dishes were all over the place. The fridge was wide open, empty. Not a single egg was left. The rice bag didn't have one grain in it.

It looked like a tornado passed from here.

To add to it all, on the counter there was 12 bento neatly wrapped and ready to go. Even though the family only consists 4 people and one pet.

For the half asleep [Male name] seeing his kitchen condition like this, first thing in the morning, when he was about to have breakfast was considered merely a dream. His mother would never go to sleep if there was one cup unwashed, he had never seen his mother's 'paradise' unorganised once in his life. Never.

This mess was impossible.

Yes, i'm still sleeping and this has to be a dream.

He chuckled tiredly at his wild imagination and closed his eyes. After few seconds he opened them again.





Why nothing has changed? Blinking other multiple times. Everyting stayed the same, everything was still a mess.

"Ok, this is obviously real. What the hell happend here?" [Male name] asked himself, as he took a step inside the kitchen.

Was it Mayumi's done? Maybe she was going out with her friends later or sum? But why would she make twelve whole bentos? She can't even carry them alone.

[Male name] was looking around carefully, watching where to step, making sure not to nock anything and cause noises or else everyone will woke up. It was still early for a Saturday.

Hearing quite snores behind the table, he glanced down. And there laid his mother on the floor sleeping deeply.

Her face and clothes were stained, messy hair. She was also wearing her special occasion apron.


"Mom wake up! You ok?!" [Male name] bend down and began to shake his mother awake. The muffled 'Shut up you're annoying' she mumbled was enough to calm him down, he really thought something bad has happened to her.

[Male name] guess was that his mother stayed awake all night making that much food. The small note he found beside his tired mother confirmed it.

'I prepared lunch for you and your friends at the club, if you found me asleep don't wake me up or else i'll kill you ) : <. Go enjoy your day and make sure to win today match! ^_^ '

[Male name] chuckled gently at his mom's note, he could easily recognised her handwriting, and the cute small faces she drew too. She used to write notes and put them in his and Mayumi's lunch boxes all the time when they were kids. He was really thankful for his mother constant support for both her children's dreams and hobbies, she can get carried away like this at times but that only came from her big heart.

This made him fired up even more for today match against Kageyama and Hinata, he has to win. But there was one tiny problem....

How am i supposed to take all those bentos to the gym.......

Sighing, [Male name] wondered how did things turned out this way. It all started last week, when he was heading home from his very exciting first day at school.

idk what i am doing wrong?  [tsukishima kei x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now