Chapitre 13

189 11 5

May 6th, 9:40.

Miyagi, Shiratorizawa high school:

"Good work everyone!"

"Thank you for your time [Last name]-san, we'll send you a copy once it's published."

"Thank you!" [Male name] kept his head down until he made sure the magazine's staff switched their attention elsewhere, a sign of politeness. But the moment it was done he ran out of the gymnasium like his life depended on it, and maybe for him it really did. According to his mathematic skills and knowledge in volleyball, he still can catch the beginning of the second set of the match that his team was currently playing against Nekoma.

He was just done with the interview, a thing he grew used to throughout the years. He wasn't the only one there, a bunch of the best players in Miyagi were there as well including Ushijima, which was another reason for him to get out of there faster.

He didn't know why, but maybe since it was Shiratorizawa's huge gym it took longer for him to reach the door.

Great! I still can make it to the half of the match like this! He thought as he took a look at his watch crossing the door. If nothing comes my way i—!

"[Last name] [Male name]." A deep voice called—stated would be more accurate—, a voice that [Male name] knew very well and hoped he will get to leave without interacting with it and its irritating cluelessness.

He winced and stopped in his track. He can't just pretend he didn't hear him, that's rude. Cursing his good manners.

"Hello, Ushijima-senpai..." He smiled politely bowing. "It is really nice to see you, but I'm really in a rush so—"

"So you really joined Karasuno." The older one of them said examining the Karasuno's jersey [Male name] wore under his black jacket.

An angry tick mark appeared on [Male name]'s head at this point, "Yes, I already told you I will."

"You're having a practice match with Nekoma from Tokyo today."

[Male name] just stared at his upperclassman at this point, not even wanting to know how did he find that out. As far as he knows this's how a conversation with Ushijima usually goes, it was him stating facts (no greeting by the way) and [Male name] agreeing along, cause what else was he supposed to do.

Though he must admit, he did share good conversations with Ushijima from time to time.

[Male name] and Ushijima had known each other for longer than expected.

They never went to the same school, but they did end up together in most training camps, interviews, even in some matches and in the audience of random games for other teams.

[Male name] still remember the last time they met, it left him irritated more than that one time when Mayumi used his favorite shirt to wipe a cockroach that had crawled up his room, he was grateful for her help but still! It was his favorite shirt Goddammit!

That shows how much Ushijima managed to rub him all the wrong ways at times, and what make it worse is that [Male name] knows that Ushijima doesn't mean any harm, it's just his bluntness and straight forward personality.

"Yes so," He bowed again, "I bid you goodbye, Ushijima-senpai." When he just turned on his heels texting his mother who was waiting for him at the school gates, he heard another thing that made him stop.

"I thought you would know better and stop being stubborn," Ushijima sighed crossing his arms.

If this was the previous [Male name] he would probably drown in self pity, at how everyone looked down at Karasuno or how they disregarded his opinion and he would probably laugh it off and leave, hating confrontation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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