chapitre 4 | Panic! At Karasuno's gym

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"[ name] [Male name]........?"

Hinata tilted his head as the unfamiliar name rolled out of his mouth, trying to get his tongue used to it.

He said he was a first year, so maybe he's gonna join too! Hinata tought.

Unlike him, Kageyma widened his eyes in realisation of who's the boy standing before him.

That name definitely rings a bell.

[Last name] [Male name] had a lot of other great titles attached to his name. He had a reputation that precedes him, it was no surprise for Kageyma to hear about him, even if they had never met or get the chance to play against each other before. And the strong aura he was getting from [Male name] was enough to answer any doubts or misunderstanding Kageyama had about the other's one identity.

He's that [Last name].


What was an elite player like him doing here? Kageyma wondered.

"Ano! Um [Last name]-kun are you joining the club too?" Hinata asked for confirmation, hoping that he'll say yes. He can't stand being alone with Kageyama.

"Yep! Also [Male name] is good! You don't have to be so formal with your own teammate" The (h/c) haired boy answered Hinata.

The big grin that grew on Hinata's face was a pure reflexion on how that word made him feel, teamemate, he longed to be called like that, he really did. "I'm Hinata Shouyou by the way!!" He said almost jumping.

You literally screamed your name a minute ago tho..., "Nice to meet you Shouyou-kun!" [Male name] said flashing him with an even bigger grin.

Hearing the orange haired boy name again, made Kageyma snap his attention back at him, feeling immediately angry. In increasing speed he walked to hinata "You goddamn clumsy shit bastrad!!" He yelled at him.

That's a lot of insults in one sentence!......[Male name] decided to keep his comment to himself.

"...Don't...don't you look down on me...!! It's true that was huge loss back then, but next time, I WON'T LOSE!!" Shouyou glared back at Kageyama as he declared with such determination making [Male name] shiver. What an interesting guy! Kei would definitely tease him if heared that tho...

"....Ah! Anyway, i'd decide to come to Karasuno, so why are you here?!" Hinata kept going.


Kageyama was an excellent player by all standards, that was a known fact. And [Male name] had guessed that someone like him will get a recommendation to get into Shiratorizawa high, what was he doing in Karasuno?

"Right now, there are other high schools who have even more of a championship! Why didn't you go to one of those?!" Hinata asked showing frustration, and [Male name] thanked him for being straightforward, he was so damn curious to know too.


The brief moment of silence Kageyama took before answering, only made [Male name] even more eager to hear his reasons. In the end [Male name] was just a nosy guy who loves gossip, and he blamed his mother and sister for that.

"....As far as the number 1 championship school in the perfecture..." Kageyama said with a serious face. [male name] opened his ears wider, leaning closer. What. WHAT??

"I didn't get in" Kageyama admitted with straight face.



idk what i am doing wrong?  [tsukishima kei x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now