chapitre 2 | he had a bad day

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"[last name]...[last name]....hmm...".

In the crowded hallway, where the listes were hanged, Gathered the students to look for their classrooms, some disappointed groans and happy cheers were heard.

Please just for this year let us be in the same class PLEASE kami-sama !!, [male name ] prayed desperately while looking for his name.

He hadn't been in the same class with tsukishima since third grade, he even promised god that he'll give his sister that game she always wanted if the god fulfill his wish.that desperate.

"class 4! uwah tsukki we are in the same class again this year!". unlike me, ugh tadashi lucky~.

"what about you [male name]-chan which class are you in ?" tadashi asked looking at [male name] hoping that, he, too was in class 4 with them.

[male name] sudden quietness was enough to know that he didn't get to be in class 4.

Standing stiff like corpse, looking at his name in disbelief, hoping that his eyes were deceiving him. Maybe his eyes grew weak after staying up late at night palying video games , just like his mother had always warned him.

Tadashi followed his frozen friend gaze at the liste infront of them, and as clear as daylight, [last name] [male name] class 1-5 was written.


Hmm...? Weird, why's the floor is suddenly wet?

He's crying rivers!! is it even possible to cry enough to wet the ground in a few seconds!.

[male name] sure was his own ways,,

"U-UWAHHH [male name]-chan!!? D-DON'T CRY !! there's a-always next year, y-you know??", panicked the green haired boy.

Here we go again...,tought yamaguchi, he seriously need to stop crying before someone slip and fall in his tears.

"T-taDAshI~~!!" [male name] finally looked up to face his worried friend with puffy eyes and running nose, "c'mon stop crying,,,it's not like anything will change between us, plus our classrooms are right beside each other!!" yamaguchi kept at reassuring [male name] while smiling sweetly as he handed him some tissues, thank god he came prepared in case this happend.

How many times this happend? alot.

"b-but *sniff* tAdaSHi..."[male name] jumped in his friend arms to get some comfort, yamaguchi just sighed and patted the other boy's back, good god.

"it's gonna be alright we'll come visit you every lunch break, isn't that right tsukki !?" yamaguchi looked at tsukishima asking for help to cheer up the sad boy.

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, tsukishima adjust his glasses trying his best to ignore the concerned stares they were getting from the other students,"does being in the same class matter that much anyway ?" he said not botherd to look sympathique, yes! it matter to me kei, you oblivious jerk !!.

"h-hi tsuk—!"whispered tadashi trying to stop the blonde from saying something that will make [male name] cry even more, 'you are not helping at all!'.

But his efforts went out of the window since tsukishima showed no sign in stopping as he kept going "we'll be in the same club AND team, how much more do you plan to make me see your annoying face? seeing you everyday in practice will be enough", tsukishima reminded [male name] about volleyball was the only thing that was gonna cheer him up. And that was his own weird way to low key make [male name] feel better. Even with his cold attitude, deep down he did care about him.

idk what i am doing wrong?  [tsukishima kei x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now