chapitre 8 | Silly2boys

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Aoba Johsai High.

Also known as Seijoh.

The west of Aoba Castle.

Their boy's Volleyball team is like knights in shining armor with their white and turquoise uniform.

Ranked in the top four of the prefecture.

For four years they had losed to Shiratorizawa on the finals.

And for years Karasuno had losed to them on the semifinals.

A strong team, powerful individual players and an excellent deliver of teamwork.

But the most notable of all the players and [Male name] most curious-about player is....

The Grand king, Oikawa Touru.

The all-around player and the star captain\setter.

The player that [Male name] always got compared to.

Especially from that one guy.

"You're making the same mistake as Oikawa. Don't let your pride blinds you [Last name], if victory is what you seek Shiratorizawa will be your right path"


What in the world do we need more than pride, to push our potential higher.

"-le name]! [MALE NAME]!!"

Hearing his name suddenly getting yelled in his ear, got [Male name] jumping from his seat snapping from his endless running thoughts.

"AHH! YES I'M HERE!!" He shouted standing up, slamming his hands on his desk in surprise.

Everyone that was in the class snorted as the girls giggled at his reaction, they grew used at his personality by now and they found it entertaining.

Finally noticing where he's and who was calling for him, [Male name] relaxed his shoulders sighing in relief. He thought it was the teacher again, lately she sure was on his back alot always telling him to break from his constant day dreaming.

However, the comfort he felt immediately turned into grumpiness.

"Dude!! You didn't have to scream in my ear like that!? I really thought you were Kondo-sensei again!!" [Male name] whined covering his right ear that was now ringing from the previous shout glaring at his seatmate and friend Akihiro who looked nonchalant and very tired of this. After all he was trying to get [Male name] attention for a while.

"I wouldn't if you heard me the first time. You've been out of it sighing all morning, whatsup with that??" The unnatural hair colored boy asked crossing his arms raising a brow.

[Male name] has been acting strange, even stranger than his usual self.

He was spacing out looking out of the window his expression changes from time to time. He didn't even hear the bell ring which was really concerning to Akihiro.

After all once the lunch bell ring [Male name] made sure to wait for his two friends everyday patiently in eagerness and the moment the door slide open by a tall blonde guy that Akihiro gussed he was the famous 'Kei' that his friend won't stop talking about, [Male name]'ll light up instantly.

He could also swear that he seen [Male name] an unvisible tail shake everytime at the appearance of that Kei guy.

That's why Akihiro knew there was something bothering his friend if he was that absentminded, being the good friend he's he definitely wanted to help [Male name] with whatever was troubling him. So he took the first chance he got, the lunch break.

idk what i am doing wrong?  [tsukishima kei x male reader]Where stories live. Discover now