Fresh Start

236 11 14


I scanned the room, yet only saw you.

Your blonde hair, your cat-like attributes.

It all caught my attention.

I sat beside you, said hello and that I'm new.

I swear there's something about you.

You nodded.

I caught myself staring at you during the lecture.

"Is there something on my face?" You asked.

I could only gulp and shake my head.

You smirked cheekily and said:

"I'm really that handsome, huh?"

This guy is so cocky

I thought.

I rolled my eyes, smiled and replied no.

"Whatever." You answered.

Suddenly, it was lunch.

Everyone left. I didn't know where to stay.

I just stayed in the classroom.

Then, a boy with brown hair entered the classroom.

"Hyung, join us," the boy spoke.

"Not today Jungkook, I'm eating here", you answered.

I guess that boy's name was Jungkook.

"But hyunggggg you always eat with us" he whined.

He scanned the room and his eyes landed on me.

"Ah I see, you go enjoy your lunch hyung, byeeee" he bid as he ran away.

"Tsk, this maknae" I heard you mumble.

You suddenly turned your table to mine, joining our tables.

You could tell I was confused at your sudden action.

"I didn't want you to eat alone on your first day."

A blush quickly rose but I fought it down.

"I'm Yoongi by the way, Min Yoongi. You can just call me Yoongi."

You held out your hand to me.

A smile crept onto my face. I shook your hand and replied:

"Jennie, Kim Jennie," I said with a smile.

"Ani, I'm calling you Nini." You said in a cute tone.

I rolled my eyes and responded.

"Then I'm calling you............Yoongles!"

I said, scrunching my nose playfully.

I may very well have just made my first friend here.

Somewhere along the conversation we exchanged numbers.

I saved your contact as 'Yoongles😸💕'

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought. 

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