One final goodbye

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"So this is it?" Jungkook asks.

Me, Irene, Kook, Joon, Yeri, Wendy, Seulgi and Joy.

We had a group hug.

Everyone started crying, except for me...

Because I've been crying since I finished the song.

Before I leave,

I gave each one of them something to remember me by.

I gave Irene and the 4 girls necklaces, with a flower inside. I gave Joon and Kook bracelets.

And I gave something to all of them.

A scrapbook of memories I had stayed up making the night before.

"We'll miss our Nini..." Irene says, pulling us into one last group hug.

I take my last tour of the school.

Irene holds my hand.

I place a letter in your locker explaining everything.

How is it that I can only tell you anything through a letter?

I wish it was in person.

But I can't do that.

I see you about to leave with Nayeon.

I give you a big hug, because it's most likely the last time I'll ever see you.

"Bye Yoongi." I say, waving.

Trying to hold back my tears.

You looked confused. Maybe you didn't know I was leaving.


The boy who made me confused.

The boy whom I loved.

The boy who I'd never forget.

My first love, that never happened.

I was cleaning out my locker.

Suddenly a picture fell out.

The picture we took at the cafe, months ago.

And the picture you took of me

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And the picture you took of me

I still remember our conversation

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I still remember our conversation.

"Wah you're a really good photographer yoongles-ah." I said.

"You're a good model that's why," You answered.

"Are you saying I'm pretty?" I asked, flipping my hair.

"Hmmmm Ani, I changed my mind," You replied as you pretended to think.

I jokingly pouted and pretended to be sad.

"I'm just kidding Nini, you're the prettiest in the entire world." You announced, flashing your infamous gummy smile.

"Yeah, right..."

"Yep, and I'll make sure to remind you, every single day," you chuckled.

You forgot what you said, as soon as she showed up.

I dropped to the floor crying.

I leaned my head on the locker.

As I buried my face in my arms.

I felt someone sit beside me.


"You know, I'll miss you Jenini"

"Me too, I don't think I'll ever find another therapist like you"

"You're crying about Yoongi? Am I right?" He asks.

"No, you're left" I replied as I chuckled bitterly.

"You know, when you leave, you have to promise not to forget about us, okay? "

"Of course Joon."

I swing my backpack to go on my back as I take one last look at the school.

Goodbye, Jangmi High.

I say as I get into the car.

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