Deeply hidden

61 6 13


It's been a few weeks since my last anxiety attack.

I already vowed to help you get Nayeon.

And sad to say, you're making great progress.

According to you:
"Since you gave me her number, we've been texting a lot and going out to get food and stuff. We even went to the movies! I think she's interested in me. I'll ask her out soon!"

And even worse to say, that soon you were talking about today.

Everything is riding on what Nayeon is going to say.

I watch as you pull her towards the garden, towards our spot.

I tried to watch everything,but the stupid tree was covering my view.

I watched as you pulled her into a hug.

There are two possible outcomes, in which, either way, a heart is broken.

Mine, or yours.

You walk to me.

Here I am, nervous as hell.

You give me a smile.

With emotions I can't decipher.

"So Nini, she said..."

The wait felt like absolute eternity.

"SHE SAID YES NINI!!!!" You announced.

And I didn't know what to say.

Hey, at least I wouldn't have to see you sad.

That would make me feel worse.

I'm just glad you are happy.

Even if I wasn't the cause of it.

I pulled you into a hug.

"Congrats Yoongi, I'm really happy for you" I said, giving a broken smile.

I didn't realize I had stopped calling you Yoongles.

I see Irene, come over and look at me, with a mix of emotions on her face.

Anger, sadness, disappointment, even glaring at Yoongi.

She pulls me into another empty classroom.

"What.Did.You.Do.JENNIE.KIM?!" She whisper -shouted.

"I don't know" I mustered out, choking on my own tears.

She wrapped her arms around me, crying too.

"You say you don't want to trouble others, but why are you troubling me? Jennie, don't you know how much it hurts seeing you like this? Seeing your best friend close to tears, You can't live like this Jennie Kim. I can't live like this. I, Irene Bae, can't live like this. If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for me? Please?" She cries.

I'm sorry Irene, but I just can't.

The day passes as if time itself turned into a snail.

Then, the bell finally rang.

I pack up quickly and get home, before anyone can talk to me.

Once I get home, my mom and dad sit me down to talk.

"Jennie, you have to choose, live with your mom and transfer to a new all girls school in the area, or stay here with me? You can always come back, and change. It's just for now, while the divorce is settling" My dad says as he whispers the divorce part.

You know what?

After everything going on here,

I'd like to transfer.

There's too much going on where I am and it only makes things harder to go a day without losing it.

For me, I'd like to start fresh, you know?

Everything is so messy here.

I need change.

"I-I think I'll stay with m-mom first" I stutter.

My dad nods and so does my mom.

Am I making the right decision?

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