New Girl

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I watched as you walked into the classroom.

Your brown flowy hair and your sharp, cat-like hazel eyes.

It all caught my attention like never before.

You sat beside me, said hello and that you're new.

I swear there's something about you.

I nodded back.

I was listening to the lecture, I caught you staring at me.

As if I was the most interesting thing in the world.

I asked you if there was something on my face.

You just smiled and just shook your head.

"I'm really that handsome, huh?"

I asked just to mess with you.

You rolled your eyes playfully and replied no.

I smiled and answered "whatever."

Then it was lunch.

You looked hesitant, not knowing where to eat or go.

I saw you decide to just stay in the classroom.

Suddenly, the door opened, and there revealed Jungkook.

He was whining about me not eating with him.

Then his eyes met yours.

He smirked and backed away.

I knew he was going to tell the guys and they were going to tease the hell out of me.

I just rolled my eyes and he left.

Then my attention turned to you.

I finally mustered up the courage to go up to you and eat with you.

I joined our tables.

I saw the confusion and surprise on your face and explained myself.

I saw you blush and I giggled.

"I'm Yoongi by the way, Min Yoongi. You can just call me Yoongi."

I said, holding out my hand to you.

A smile crept onto your face. You shook my hand and replied:

"Jennie, Kim Jennie,"

"Ani, I'm calling you Nini." I said with a hint of aegyo.

You rolled your eyes and responded.

"Then I'm calling you............Yoongles!"

You answered. Scrunching your nose.

'Cute' I thought.

We ended up having a good conversation and talking.

Somewhere in the conversation, we exchanged numbers.

I kept your contact as 'Nini💜'.

Then, class started and the once empty classroom was filled up with chatter and noise once again.

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