Chapter 1:

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No pov

Bose felt like he was luckiest person to be alive. He woke up on the right side of the bed and just felt happy every sense him and Mika became a couple. He always woke up to the sweetest good morning text messages that would just push his excitement for the day further. He was finally happy like the piece that was missing inside of him was filled by the live for Mika but there was still one BIG problem no one knew that they were dating and Mika was adamant on keeping it that way, they didn't know how their friends would act and they were concerned about rays reactions since he always pushed for them to stay single and to not date because do to rays words, "on day it could seriously backfire and cause a lot of deaths". Of course Mika and Bose didn't need really believe that dating would cause that much problems but they didn't want to take the risk of having ray on their back benching them from every crime tell they broke up. Bose shook in his spot think of everything wrong that could happen before snapping out of his mind as his phone alerted to a message from Mika reading for Bose to meet her earlier in the man nest guest rooms. Bose jumped responding back to Mika before jumping in the shower. As he finished drying off he throw on his clothes before running out the door as he said goodbye to his mother.   He looked down at his phones seeing a selfie sent from Mika showing the man's nest in the back ground with a message, "waiting for you bosey ♥️😘". Bose pause before texting back, "coming baby 😘". He started running towards the man's nest.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this first chapter, I think the first 2 or so chapters are going to Be slow then it's going to go fast.

Fun facts: don't really using emojis a lot of the time, but I don't know it seems like something Mika and Bose would do, so if there are nothing a lot of emojis that why.

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