25: The Public Image

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"Jayden do what you need to do, it's okay" Chapa whispered in defeat seeing the hesitation in Jayden's water eyes. Jayden rubbed her eyes taking a deep breath grabbing Chapa's mask. Chapa felt the fabric of the mask close to ripping of her skin closing her eyes tight. Chapa was surprised not feeling the pain opening her eyes to see Jayden's arm being pulled back by a silent gloved hand. Jayden looked up to see Mika staring down offering a hand, good to see you again, need some help?" Chapa jumped up in delight hugging Mika In tears, "I thought I lost you"

Bose pulled Chapa off Mika, reminding them of Jayden's presence as she stood in shock. The air was silent as they tried to process what was happening. Chapa was brought back by the sound of static on Jayden's radio, shifting everyone's attention to that. The crowd starts running as the sound of a gunshot runs through the air. Chapa watched in slow motion as the path of the bullet fired towards Mika and her. She was about to push her out of the way but was stopped as Jayden jumped in front of the bullet falling to the ground in pain. Mika stood still looking for the origin as Chapa ran, grabbing Jayden towards cover. Mika looked to the roofs before another gunshot blasted the air. Mika and Bose covered down Mika was about to use her sonic scream before she noticed the gunner floating in the air. Bose was able to successfully keep the gunner down long enough for the police to arrest him.

Chapa watches Jayden as she slowly bleeds out in her arms screaming for her to stay strong. "Chapa I'm sorry." Jayden whispered in Chapa's ears before dying in Chapa's arms. Chapa didn't believe it, slapping Jayden across the face screaming, " Stay with me we have made it this far in life. Stay strong for me." There was no response from Jayden as Chapa kneeled with Jayden in silence, tears in her eyes as she heard Mika voice, "How's ... Bose gets a medic". Chapa Looked towards Mika shaking her head slowly as the crowd of people circled the heroes accepting them as the heroes of the day.

There's probably a better way or lesson that I could have put in this story but I wanted to keep it somewhat of an open-ending. Hope you enjoyed this book, Have an amazing day. 

I would Like to thank the person that has constantly voted for all chapters:


And thank you all for getting this to 2.3K Views!!

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