10: The Final Attack

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Chapa stood for a second, "Mika I wasn't the one that killed him I tried everything's to help him I'm sorry" Chapa waited hesitantly getting ready to block a attack. Mika got up once again filled with anger screaming, "you have taken everything from me!" Chapa couldn't take it anymore, "Mika you are lost, you have allowed your anger and pain to twist your mind" she pause allowing The words to sink in with complete silence before continuing, "Until now, you become the very thin you swore to destroy!" Mika shifted as she looked at her hand in rage, "don't lecture me, I see through ray's lies I don't fear them. Ray just trying to hold us back, Bose saw it! We both know that we had overwhelming power enough to take down ray, Schwoz, and whole danger force criminals. Chapa, with you and me and the write that Bose and I found we can take this whole place down. Don't make me kill you!" Chapa took a deep breath reflecting on the situation quickly before fueling up to electric energy balls in her hands, "I will do what I must". Mika laughed for a second, "such confidence, only if you know." With out delay, Chapa jumped back behind a desk as she throw both of the energy balls at Mika. She waited listening one collided into Mika causing her to shriek in pain pushing the second off course. Chapa waited a few more second before realizing something was off. Chapa peaked up from behind the desk glancing towards Mika for a second before seeing a trail of charred fire. Chapa and mika both looked at the end of the trail seeing  a pool of fresh bright red blood dripping out of miles lifeless charred body. Chapa dropped to her knees in pain, "NOO YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME before I was able to tell him how I felt." Chapa's head dropped as tears fell stinging her wounded hands. The winds calmed down as the rain slowly picked up. Silence once again filled the room as Mika and Chapa looked to the floor in pain of the loss that happened in the last few hours.  Chapa got up running towards a distracted Mika pushing her towards the window screaming, "this Is for miles!" Just at the edge of the window Mika grabbed onto chapa for leverage whispering, "I didn't kill him" chapa used her electrical hands to shock Mika studded for a second as Mika slowly started to tip back and forth. As she started to regret her actions watching as Mika started leaning further out of the window she thrusted out her hand to grab Mika's arm. She felt her arm moving slower as it got further and further as the air pushed Mika stunned body away. Chapa dropped to the floor feeling relieve as she caught onto Mika's arm. Chapa started to pull up before feeling herself slowly being pulled from the ground. Chapa felt her tears rolling down her checks as Mika started clawing at her arm trying to pull her out she called out in pain, "I'm sorry Mika, please forgive me" the silence was more painful as Mika stopped her clawing before firing back, "I hate you!" Chapa looked down in tears of the pain, "you were my sister Mika, I loved you!" With that Mika looked into chapa's blurry watery eyes once last time before nailing chapa's hand open. Chapa layer there frozen watching as Mika's body fell further and further towards the rocks whispering to herself, "Mika why I wanted to help." chapa looked to the rocks, she felt  alone again watching as the sharp rocks stabbed through Mika's body cutting her into pieces as her painful cry's of help echoed up through the mountain. 

Hope you enjoyed this book this fun and challenging at the same time to create. I think this ending is a little darker than the original but was way Better to write as it grew with more ideas to add on.  Anyway have an amazing day / night and don't forget to like, comment,  vote for this please, bye! 

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