24: The Public Unmasked

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Chapa felt the suit she had worn before this issue came to be, it felt uncomfortable being tied to a stage in front of the public that hated the whole existence of her. The only thing protecting her from the public's harsh views was a thin red curtain. But she could already hear the people's chants wishing for volt to be thrown in jail or even killed. Chapa could not keep her confidence together anymore she was frightened to her bones.

Jayden soon took a step behind the curtain looking at a shaking Chapa. This was the first time she could sense true fear from Chapa. Jayden got her radio situated to make sure guards were in place. Take one last look out the side of the curtain to see the crowd of people that gathered around brought goosebumps. She quickly made her way over to chapa, "It's time. It's actually happening. I have the power to end Volt, to be able to end Danger Force once and for all. I never thought I would have this much power. And to think that I used to look up to you volt, to be so mindless that I wanted to be like you." Jayden paused. " I need to do this, I need to clear my chest and get my revenge for the death of my parents." Chapa felt a hand slap across her face seeing Jayden infront of her. Jayden took a second seeing chapa in eye level seeing the fear in her eye, the helplessness. "Any Last words before we get this going, Volt." Jayden said, whispering in chapas ears as she got off her knees. Hearing nothing coming from chapa, Jayden slowly made her way to the curtain ropes. But as soon as Jayden took her first step Chapa found the courage to speak, "Please Jayden... Please, you don't have to do this. I'm sorry I failed to protect your parents." Jayden stopped looking at the floor, "well Chapa that means a lot but that won't bring back my parents you killed them. I'm sorry Chapa but I need to." Jayden continued walking as she pulled the curtains open listeing the growns and boos of the audience at the site of volt.

Jayden began walking out waving to the crowd, the guards were in place as two followed her out towards chapa. Jayden began, "hello Every as you can see I was able to capture Volt and I believe it time to see who she is. End this misery of a Danger problem once and for all. Now who agrees?" The crowd was cheering for every word Jayden spoke which made chapa visibly shake even more. Jayden gave the signal as the two guards got to the side of chapa reaching for her mask, Chapa closed her eyes, slowing her breathing. The guard arms moved closer to the mask causing the crowd's cheers and screams to get louder. Chapa felt a burst of energy freeing her arms, throwing both guards like they were nothing towards the ground as she got up from her chair. The crowd was frozen as teams of guards approached the stage. Jayden was quick to make a b-line exit to the side of the stage watching as the teams would get on the stage just to be shocked to the ground or thrown off stage. Five teams down before two formilare faces showed up Mika's and bose's clones appeared on stage gaining the upper hand. Chapa felt her arms head as Mika screams threw her off stage onto the ground weak. Bose lifted her up back on the stage finally getting chapa under control.

Chapa kneeld with her head down in the center of the stage. She had failed. There was no way back that she had, She held her arms behind her back breathing heavy in pain. "Are you done fighting Volt?" Jayden asked slowly, walking back on stage. Chapa nodded seeing jayden's boots near her as her head was forced to face the audience. Silence filled the air as the audience waited eagerly for the unmasking. Jayden lowered herself grabbing a hold of Chapa's mask slowly pulling it with water in her eyes.

I'm going to end it right here, Have a good day!

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