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Chapa was anxious; she wanted to know what was happening but was blindfolded. She was quiet as the figure moved around her, circling her like a shark. She felt something sharp drag along her side leaving a stinging where it went. She cried in pain as she felt liquid roll down increasing from the stinging. Before long she heard the sound of rope breaking before getting a bucket of water to the head. She laid with her head in the water wanting to die but couldn't get her wish as the figure lifted her up from the bucket placing her on a chair, "You ready to obey?" He said, clamping her arms and legs to the chair. "Now chapa just stay calm and we will all be good, okay?" The figure moved closer, hooking up a collection bag to the stand before feeling chapas arm. "Don't move!" the figure said before stabbing chapas arm with the needle watching blood rush through the tube be filled with a pint of blood. He looked at chapa pulling out the needle and placing a bandage on the skin, "Thank you Volt for your donation of blood this will help with my project" chapa was shocked for a second as the blindfold was removed from her face. She saw the bag of her blood being moved away towards a safe distance.

"What ... Who you?" Chapa said breaking down even more she could barely form a complete sentence. The figure didn't see it was worth his time, "I'm sorry but I can't stay any longer or I would have compromised my mission. You will see me very soon. Just tell them that they can't hide for long from me. See you Volt." Chapa watched as the figure left with a bag. She was left bored tied up to the chair with no way out. Just then she heard a window smash open and someone swung into the room. She knew the blue and red suit from anywhere but it couldn't be who she thought it was. "Henry?' Chapa asked, trying to break away from the chair. Henry looked around, "I'm too late?" his tone was down as he sliced through the rope with the failure on his mind. Henry couldn't believe the luck that was going on especially for chapa losing her friend then being kidnapped. He picked up chapa leaving the room hoping to keep chapa safe. But he had to stop as chapa whispered in his ear, "Henry I need you."

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

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