Chapter 2 - The Game

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Bose made it up the hill staring at the door standing between him and walking it to the mans nest and seeing his secret girlfriends. He was nervous butterflies in his chest. If he wasn't caught be ray being this early at the man's nest it's over. Bose hovered over to the door as his hand shook the closer it got to the door handle. As he pulled up the door he looked down at his phone  as it engulfed the front of the class room in light he glanced as a notification popped up from Mika. He could feel his stomach twist from the nervous as he tip toed through the classroom to the back door. He looked back down to his phone almost on command another notification popped up a text message reading, "game time! Hope your hiding ♥️!" Bose ran around the room think. He didn't want to lose this game like last time, Mika never dropped about him losing the game for a week. Then an idea popped in his brain he rain to his chair pushing the button as he was rocketed up to the man's nest. He grabbed his gum chew a bumble and one of the small lasers. He thought about what he was doing for a second before pulling his phone out and texting Mika a picture of an uno reverse card and a message, "time for the hunter to become the hunted 😘" he heard the sound of foot step come to a pause and then make a retreat as his phone screen showed Mika texting. Bose took a second watching as the sun started setting the light bouncing into the man's nest he was ready. He set off on the way using the pictures Mika sent him before to track her. As he approached the hallway to the guest room he got his laser on the lowest setting that would just give Mika a good shock he brought the laser up to as he got set up to FBI raiding each room one by one. As he was about to bust the first door he paused burping his ear to the door to listen before pulling out his phone and calling Mika. He giggled to himself as he heard Mika's phone going off from the third room as he got in front of the door he smiled before commanding, "FBI open up". He heard Mika laughing close by making him smile as he brutally killed the door of the room in causing him to roll into the room. As he got up he found Mika's phone sitting in the middle of the room with a note reading, "Bose I you think I would be this dumb to leave my phone on as you hunt me, you have a long way to go before you can be a hunter" Bose got up on his feet curios as he turned to leave the room before being tackled to the ground, "and that a win for me!" Mika Started laughing as she layer on top of him on the floor. Bose started laughed along before give Mika a good hug and surrounding her in kiss. They stayed like that for a while hoping that time would slow down for them to enjoy their presence together but soon got up hearing the door open and Miles and Chapa entering the man's nest.

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