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New year post - Short chapter

Chapa looked into Henry's eyes trying to see his soul, to look for the little joke in what he was saying but she could tell he was being serious. Her eyes wandered to the floor, "what do you mean?" Henry gave her the note signed as he started the walk in circles. She read the note to herself.

"Thanks for making this easy, Henry. My work is done thanks to you. I would love to stay but they are waiting for me, and this time I will not fail. Though don't worry we'll meet again."

Chapa was confused even more, "Henry you said we were safe here! You ... What does this mean? What is this note saying Henry?" chapa shouted getting up, throwing the note at him. They stood in silence as Henry tried to comfort chapa only to be pushed away. Henry looked at chapa before turning away, giving her space. Chapa noticed Henry leaving and decided she needed some more space and time away as she got into the elevator heading up to the ground. She ran outside seeing the beauty in the night sky, she felt the energy of the surrounding area calm her down as she slowly walked along the road. She felt inner peace for a second not worrying about the figure or ever the death of Mika that still troubled her at times.

Happy new year! Don't forget to comment and vote. I hope this year can be one of your best years. 

Future of this book is looking like it might end in a not so happy light, so be cautious with your expectations, warning you now.

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