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Henry entered what was left of the man cave turning on the computers with chapa around his neck. He gently placed her down, seeing the fear in her eyes shocked him. It was strange seeing the one person Henry knew that could scare death himself being afraid, Henry couldn't leave her side. He pulled her in, Brushing her hair with his finger well, whispering in her ears, "we are safe here". Chapa loosened up a bit trying to hold back how scared she was. She was comfortable; she didn't want to leave that feeling but she had to as The conversations replaced inside her head, "I'm sorry but I can't stay any longer or I would compromise my mission. You will see me very soon. Just tell your friend that they can't hide from me. See you Volt." She didn't know what to say, how much information was too much, or even how the figure knew about her being volt. She was so deep in her mind that she didn't realize she was grabbing onto Henry's arm. "Chapa" Henry tried to release her hand from his arm. Chapa's head snapped to his direction as she let go. He looked into her eyes looking deeper, "Chapa is there something on your mind? Anything you want to talk about?" He asked, facing her. She was quiet for a second looking at the ceiling or at least what was left of it. She was confused and she felt their presence around her, "Henry Are you sure this place is safe?" Henry nodded before going back to brushing her hair. She slowly lost track of time and felt safe in his arms before she knew it her eyes were feeling heavy slowly losing sight letting down her defense. She was asleep, stuck inside her mind playing the same recordings from the events that happened.

Henry watched quietly as chapa shifted side to side, she was tough but she held onto the past too much. He was stuck in a lie. He didn't know how much time they had but he needed to find a new place to hide out and quickly.

So uh I might have been given a lot more time these next two weeks, don't know yet still waiting. Yeah. Well I hope you enjoy this part and stay safe.

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