23: Failure

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Chapa's POV

I was stuck with my back against the tree for support trying to just hit Jayden. She was too fast and seemed to have unlimited energy. I finally got my luck hitting her with a ball of energy, excited as she flew back landing upon a gravestone. Jayden quickly sheltered behind the gravestone, peaking out everyone once in while to just hide again when another energy ball flew towards her. "Quite being ... weak Jayden came out." I gathered the energy to scream with my back sliding down the tree. I noticed the tip of her hair peeking out before a strange force pushed me against the tree, causing the tree to crack. I layed on the ground with my back against the stump in even more pain seeing two Jayden walking up to me. As they got closer they seemed to multiply surrounding me. Once the Jayden got to me I was seeing six of them.

My eyes were feeling heavy as Jayden leaned down grabbing me, "Don't worry everything will be fine just relax." I was out as Jayden lifted me up carrying me somewhere.


Jayden walked In the warehouse with Chapa on her shoulders. She walked over to a chair place close to the center up against one of the supports tying her down. There were cameras everywhere in the warehouse. There was no way chapa was getting past the guards or even the cameras. Jayden relaxed a bit staring at chapa Knowing her job was complete for now. She had what she needed, finishing her one part of the mission now it was time to complete it.

Chapa could feel the heat of lamps on her as shaking her head a little trying to wake up in pain. She didn't have any memories or any ideas of how she got her or why she had a painful headache. She noticed her hand stuck behind the back of the chair well trying to block the blinding light. She had it out of curiosity screaming, " I know you're around come out and Show yourself" Chapa trying to stay strong using a commanding voice. The sound of rushed typing rang in chapas ear. The bright lamp stopped her from seeing the individual typing but she had some ideas of who it could be. Chapa tried to reason with the individual, "Come on and free me and I won't hurt you well maybe." whispering the last part under her breath. The Typing slowed down as the individual shouted back to the computer in anger slamming her fist on the keyboard before ultimately giving up Ending the conversation. "Glad to see you awake" Jayden shouted in trying to be happy as she walked over to chapa turning off the lamps. Chapa immediately tried to kick Jayden in the knee but felt a metal bar hit bounce off her leg causing her to scream in pain. "Volt, just relax, you have a long day coming up, you need to get ready for your public appearance. 

Silence floated between the two as Chapa sat in shock registering what Jayden said. Jayden turned her back to chapa looking into the camera "guards set up Volt's public appearance for the part to make sure the news stations are there." Chapa went on almost trying to plead, "Jayden, you have already killed my friends and ruined my life. I'm on the run from the police. You are now going to make them kill me! Please think about this, Jayden. Do you really want to do this?" Jayden kept her back to chapa, almost struggling to keep her confidence, "You know the answers Volt, you've been hiding your mask for this long to show the people who you really are. Time to face justice for the crime you committed." Chapa was confused about what Jayden was talking about but didn't have any time to ask questions as two guards came over grabbing her carrying her away leaving Jayden alone in the room. Jayden stood alone scared of the choices she had she had hated but at the same time she had a butterfly feeling inside she wanted to move on but she had no choice. She needed to complete her mission before she could rest. 

Hope you have an amazing day!

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