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She looked at the group of people grabbing the edge of the mask. "Hello swellview" she shouted, removing her mask, "I'm Jayden!" She paused listening to the cheering of her audience, "stand with me against those who call themselves danger force. They have proven which side of the coin they are and with that have come locked in their fate." The crowds were eating it up cheering for Jayden following here as the news stations covered the incident live with the caption, "fall of danger?". No one truly knew how far this was going to go.

Chapa felt the sweat rolling down her face as she made her way inside the hideout. She was expecting to have Henry immediately surrounding her but he wasn't there. Chapa shouted out looking around for Henry not hearing a response. She started typing on the computer noting a new folder, clicking it open she saw a text file with the name, "special message". The day was going so far she knew that this "special message" was from her new "buddy" she clicked it open, big mistake. Chapa stood frustrated as the computer stopped working and the screen went black as it tried to restart. Chapa screamed in pure anger in return she heard a soft banging sound, a cry for help. Chapa went examining each room as the sound grew louder and louder. The voice grew clear as a weak scream for help pushing Chapa to search faster. Finally she found a locked door and on the other side hopefully the source of the cry's. Chapa shot a volt of electricity at the door causing it to fall to the ground, she paused in fear as she saw the source of the cry of pain covered red on the floor. the almost lifeless body layer on the floor of the room as blood gushed out of the one of many stab wounds on his body. Chapa ran to Henry holding him close hearing the pain in his voice grow with the slightest movement. She saw the color leaving his eyes, "please Henry don't leave me" Chapa demanded on her knees with watery eyes. They both knew that they could not do anything to stop it but Chapa was determined. "Please Henry, I lost everyone else I ... can't lose you!" Henry slowly picked his hand up releasing a note pointing to the wall as he coughed up blood, "I'm sorry, don't show weakness". Chapa was confused looking at the scribbled note she could barely make out the messages, "she's near. They are alive. She is watching." Chapa paused looking back at Henry noticing the complete emptiness inside him.

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