Later on in the Day

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I was now in history class with Bakugo, Asumí and Midoriya. We were all packing up our stuff except for Asumí who was taking a nap,because there was 5 minutes of class left for lunch time. I was sooo excited to eat because I was starving. All I had all day was some toast.

Let me tell you though I got an earful from Bakugo telling me that I should start waking myself up instead of depending on someone. That way I can eat a proper breakfast.
Knowing my lazy self that's not going to happen because I'm always pressing snooze so many time that someone stills haves to come and wake me up.
So I saw no point on doing that. Plus I'm not a morning person AT ALL!.

"Oh my god! Can time go any slower". I say looking at the clock on the wall.

"Maybe if you didn't wake up late you wouldn't be complaining" Asumí says waking up from her nap with he head on her desk with her eyes closed.

" It's not my fault that I had woken up late. Gabriel was the one in charge of waking me up this morning". I say with my back pack on standing up with one leg bent on the chair getting ready to run out the door when the bell rings.

As I'm up I look at Midoriya who is putting all his stuff in his bag all nice and neat. Then theres Bakugo who is slouching at his desk with his arms crossed over his chest with his eyes closed.


There goes the bell and I run to the door like if I'm running for track.

"And there she goes" Asumí says lifting her head up as she sees me running away.

"Slow the fuck down Y/n" Bakugo says getting up from his desk.

"Y/n wait!!" Midoriya says as he waits for Asumí to put her stuff in her bag.

I couldn't hear them anymore because I was out the door walking fast to the cafeteria bumping into people trying to be one of the first people in line. Then all of a sudden I got yanked back.

"AAHHH!!" Was all I said from the sudden movement.

"Fucking dumbass I told you to slow down!" Bakugo says as he grabs me and turns me around to face him and grabs my shoulders.

"The food is not going anywhere y/n. You didn't have to leave us" Midoriya says as he's walking up to Bakugo and I with Asumí by his side of course.

"Yea but theres going to be a long line and I'm fucking hungry!!" You say with a sad face because they had stoped you.

"And what you don't think we aren't idiot" Bakugo says turning you around  and pushing you towards the cafeteria.

Before you all got there, there was already a line outside the cafeteria. "UGHHH!! See this is why I wanted to get here fast. Look at the damn line ITS LONG!!" You say angry stomping your feet while getting in line.
Once you got in line you crossed your arms over your chest and looked forward because you were mad at your friends from stopping you to be one of the first people to get your food.

"Oh come on babe don't be mad at us" Asumí says behind you.

"Hey Y/n you can have my cinnamon roll if you want. Only if you stop being mad at us". Midoriya says while putting his arm around your shoulders trying to cheer you up.

"No! Yo no lo quiero" you say no even bother to look at him.
(no I don't want it)

"Oí damn Deku get your hands off her" Bakugo says geting Midoriya arm off my shoulders.

"Oh no shes pissed" Asumí says with both her eyebrow rising up.

" Stop being dramatic look we are halfway there" Bakugo say behind you leaning against the wall.

 "How It All Began" Bakugo Katsuki Where stories live. Discover now