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Beep beep beep

That was all I can hear when I started to open my eyes slowly.

"Fuck where am I" you looked around to see if you see anything familiar. While looking around your head started to hurt like crazy. You grab onto your head and started to scream because it was hurting so bad.

"AHHHH" all of a sudden a nurse came running inside.

"Oh glad your awake now" the nurse says

"How-where am I" you asked her.

"Oh sweetie you in a hospital" she says

"Hospital?" You replied kinda yelling.

"Yes a blonde looking boy with red eyes was caring you and brought you here"

Blonde hair and red ey..... Katsuki. You thought to yourself

"Ohh umm is he here" you ask her

" oh yes him and a few people are here waiting for you to wake up" she says as she checks you

"Wait how long have a been out"

"For a day and a half" she says as she writes down on her clipboard.

"Now how is your head"


We both said at the same time.

"Yes dear you got hit in the head pretty hard and you had to get stitches. There's a spot on your head where we had to cut your hair to stitch it up" she says as she walked over to me and unwrap the bandages that was wrapped up on my head to check the stitches.

"Alright by the looks of it your fine but the doctor is going to come in a few"

"Also do you want me to call them in for you" she says before she leaves the room.

"Umm yes can you call katsuki in please first" I tell her.

"Sure sweetheart" she says now walking out the room

I have to thank him for saving me and protecting me. But I also want to tell him about the little thing he did before the whole fiasco happened.

"Hey Munchkin" katsuki says as he walks towards me and hugs me.

That's new I'm usually the one that hugs him.

"Hey katsuki" I say as I hug him back.

"How are you feeling" he asked

"I'm fine now but my head is killing me like it hurts so bad" I tell him

Katsuki finally ends the hug and grabs a chair to sit next to the bed.

"Look....I'm sorry I was quick enough for that happening to you I-

"What are you taking about katsuki! There was no way no human could have possibly have stopped that wall from collapsing. Not even my Tio. Look (takes a beep breath) I wanted to tell you thank you for saving me out there. Like for real your my Hero Katsuki. I don't know all what happened but the nurse had told me that you ran to the hospital with me in your arms." You tell him trying to grab his face to for him to look at you.
( uncle)

He finally lets in and you bring his face closer to your where y'all are inches away from each other lips.

"I'm so grateful for you Katsuki. I'm glad I beat the crap at of you in elementary school. Glad that my parents forced me to go to your house and talk things out. I'm glad your my-" was the last thing I said when katsuki pull you closer and closed the gap of space between y'all lips and kiss you.

 "How It All Began" Bakugo Katsuki Where stories live. Discover now