What Happened?

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Katsuki POV

"Where is she!" Mr. Aizawa comes into the waiting room towards me.

"They took her back but they won't let anyone see her yet" I tell him with my head low.

Complete silence for a few moments

"You know they asked for her, like they wanted to take her. The one ugly fucker with a hand on his face said he had people watching her and looking for her. What do they want from her?" I tell softly while I start to play with my fingers.

"I know. Look I can't tell you right now but I have a feeling I'm going to have to tell you something really important about her soon" he told me

"Huh!? What does that mean!!" I start to say as I'm raising my voice.

"Keep your voice down kid, I said I'll tell you but not right now, I still have a lot to figure out"

"WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY WANT WITH HER!" I said as I was starting to get inpatient standing up from my seat.


"Excuse me!! But can you please keep it down please! If you can't keep your voices down I'm going to have to ask you both to leave!" One of the nurses says as they walk past the waiting room.

"Tch fine" I sat back down with my hands inside my pockets.

"MY BESTIE! WHERE'S MY BESTIE!!!" Pea brain running towards me like I'm her fucking friend shaking my shoulder for me to answer her.

"LET GO OF MY SHOULDERS PEA BRAIN" I say as I yanked her hands off me.

"Clam down Asumi, she's in the back. They haven't let anyone go see her" he tells pea brain as they both take a seat side by side.

"By the way have you guys seen my son? I haven't seen him since the theater" Mr. Aizawa was asking the idiot and I.

"Oh I saw him buying snacks from the vending machine because he said he didn't get to eat his snacks at the movie theater" she tells him.

"That boy is always eating" Mr. Aizawa says while shaking his head no.

"OH MY GOD!! DÓNDE ESTÁ MI NIÑA!!" Y/n mother came in yelling.

 (Where is my baby girl)

"They are taking care of her. We are still not allowed back yet." Her husband told her. She takes a seat next to him wrapping an arm around his, putting her head on his shoulder.

"Sabías que preguntaron por ella? Ellos están buscando la otra vez" Mr. Aizawa says whispering to Mrs. Aizawa.

(Did you know that they asked for her? They're looking for her again.)

If that was his way of whispering , then i'll say he sucks at it because I heard everything he just said. Also talking in Spanish thinking no one was going to understand them. Did they forget that I know the damn language? I mean I don't speak it, but because that idiot loves to hangout with me and I'm at her house sometimes I pick up the language. Also because Mrs. Aizawa talks a lot of Spanish to y/n and Yamato.

She had tried to have me speak it but nobody's going to force me to speak a language I don't want to.

Oh god and when y/n get pissed off she starts to talk Spanish really fast that there have been times I didn't completely understand what she's saying.

It took me a while for me to understand but I have a feeling I know the language well enough to say I know 3 languages: Japanese, English, and now Spanish.

 "How It All Began" Bakugo Katsuki Where stories live. Discover now