3. Another Night

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The night sky was clear. No dusty clouds, no burning stars. The snowstorm passes around the pack whispering sweet nights to Crimson Asterin. The trees and plants murmured to the night ever so softly. It's all calm and alleviating. Not for a certain alpha. 

Jungkook sat in the backyard of the palace, watching the dark melting with the night over time. He was so lost in the ocean of thoughts and disturbed marbles. His cozy self drowned in the arms of loneliness. His eyes gape open witnessing the wide pack drifting to sleep while the head alpha is solely awake. 

The alpha king perished in his thoughts when Jin stood next to him. His eyes trailed at his brother who was not looking at him, not even acknowledging his presence. Jin cleared his throat to grab the male's attention. A glance at him is all he got. The beta took a seat next to Jungkook. Jimin was there too, with Yoongi.

Their day was tiring. With the hangover from the party and work pending, they didn't even know when the day ended and the night started. The four males sat in silence. Jin poured a glass of drink to everyone. Gulping down the tiredness with the bittersweet drink, he asked. 

"What's it, Jungkook?" 

The alpha gazed at his brother. The black orbs summoned the whole galaxy hiding behind the dark canvas. Jungkook was always like that. There was a deep abyss that he did not let anyone take a look inside him. It was cold and harsh and no one knew the taste of it. No one even tried.

The strong chest heaved up and down as the alpha stared at his favorite black void, hiding phosphines of daylight in it. Jungkook always likes hidden things or something that helps to hide his true identity. Not because his individuality is bad or fake, but why do you need to let the world know what you're and why you're? Jungkook only explains his deeds to the mirror- why he's like this and what makes him like this. Only the mirror knows his stories. 

His frown makes Jin concerned about his brother's state. Jungkook never discloses his emotions. He hides everything behind his cold demeanor. Jin was expecting an answer from his brother. And when Jungkook replied straight, he felt relieved. 

"Just… pack things…" 

Jungkook took a sip from his drink. Jin peeked at Jimin and Yoongi. They too looked concerned. Although, Jin tried again. 

"About Yug and Mark's meeting… Do you wanna talk about it…? What's happening to their pack?" 

They weren't expecting an answer to that question. It's Jungkook. He will never let his guard down and tell them what's happening with him and his mind. But maybe, this time the male thought about breaking the rule. The three males were taken aback when Jungkook replied to that question, with his soft tone. 

"Some pack attacking them and… luring their warriors… They need help." 

Jin nodded and gulped his drink down. The night calmed the mood and no one wanted to break the silence between them. But, Jimin went against the plan. 

"What kind of help do they need?" 

Jungkook glanced at his assistant slash friend. Jimin knows everything professional in Jungkook's life, if not today, then one day for sure. Hiding something from them is not helping in this matter. 

"Before we do anything, I have to dig about the pack. I need every bit of information about them. Then, we can decide what kind of help." 

Jungkook replied. Even though it was a simple answer, Jimin knows, it was his work. It's he who has to gather details about the rival pack. The beta male nodded. Yoongi was silent all those times. The head warrior is never really involved in pack issues like this. 

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