27. Misty Gazes

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Jungkook stares at the man in front of him, eyes wide and red swollen lips, hands are on his, showing his dominance with a sharp gaze. It ignites something in the deep of the alpha's heart. He wanted to unleash his inner feelings but only stopped because of the blue orbs of his mate. It's the first time Jungkook noticed that Taehyung's omega wolf is a lot more stubborn than him. Just when they thought everything was clear between them, here he was struggling to find a way out in the black hole. The precocious omega has already made a move but Jungkook knows nothing is gonna last for long. Because something inside him was scratching his heart, squeezing the air out of his lungs.

The alpha moved his hands, trying to lift the omega but Taehyung didn't budge. He was keeping an intense gaze and uttered ever so softly that would give shivers to anyone at that time.

"Are you gonna kill me now? Even if the human trust you, I won't let you go that easily. I won't tolerate you hurting me anymore."

The omega uttered and truth to be told, Jungkook didn't like it at all. The tone was harsh, the words were nothing but a mockery of his doings. He doesn't like the way his omega wolf portrayed him. The moment Jungkook felt both he and his wolf agreed on the distaste towards the omega's words, he knew. Things have gone down so bad.

The omega couldn't pinpoint what happened next. Because in a snap, the alpha flipped them and he was under the gigantic figure of Jungkook, hovering over him with a look that he couldn't figure out. But the eyes. Taehyung's wolf felt low under the gaze before he came back to his trance and glared back. No, he will not let himself down in front of anyone. It doesn't matter if the other is a true blood. But the hold on his hands and the way the alpha caged him was suffocating for him. He couldn't take a deep breath because of the proximity of his mate.

With anger oozing from each other's every gaze, the alpha leaned more, eliciting a strong wave of pheromones. The omega wolf didn't shift from his position. As he continued staring back at the alpha, and when the hold became tighter, the urge in him wanted to resist but also wanted to lean in only to know the extreme his alpha can go. With legs tangled, no words shared, the mates took their good time to convey their unsaid feeling through the shining orbs. The blue and red blended to a beautiful hue of lilac, pheromones of bittersweet dominance filling in the air, it all felt like a paradise forbidden to step in for both.

"Don't try to overpower me, little mate. You'll not be forgiven if you run your mouth like this again. To utter the least pleasant words to my ears. You heard me?"

The deep whisper was the only thing that broke the unbearable silence between them, making the omega bite back a whimper. But he let go of the scoff that came to his lips, without even thinking about the consequences of what he just did. He doesn't care. V was never scared of anyone. He has grown up with Taehyung accepting that only success can make them fulfilled. He has come to believe that nothing matters when he has victory in his hands, winning every game. Even if it's on the battlefield or life, even if it's against the rivals or fate, Taehyung and V never bow down.

The said omega wolf witnessed the way the blazing red orbs of JK flamed more as soon as the ironic sound was let out by the omega. The anger was clear through them, and he wonders, what stops the alpha from ripping him apart already. Why was JK gulping down every growl he wanted to let out?

It was when the smooth touches of the fingers on his waist moved upward and became rough, the omega shuddered. He knows he can't expect anything other than harsh touches of his mate, but still, he wishes to make the itch wherever JK touches go away. It's suffocating. The omega swats the hands of the alpha, earning another strong glare from the man. But he doesn't care because of the way the fingertips of JK moved to wrap around his neck and press lightly there, he hated everything at that moment.

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