35. Lost Stars

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Late nights were never fun. Working hard, giving up on sleep, lazy dinners most importantly, cravings.

Late nights are made for cravings.

Taehyung had always told himself that he was good as a party pooper. It was fine for him to stay in the interiors of his cozy penthouse and stare at the beige walls rather than dance on the random beats of a posh club along with the sweaty bodies of strangers.

It's been years and the lawyer realized that his method of sorrow management was no fun, not like any other adults of his age who get wasted on their worries and drunk on their tears. The technique Taehyung uses was simple. Cry in the shower or dance in the kitchen.

Tonight, something was strange. Well, not really. Just another late night, Taehyung had work to finish, case files to study, and testimonies to prepare. He skipped the dinner which now compelled his stomach to growl in hunger but he didn't want to eat something.

He was in a mood to shut everything and listen to some good music. While playing the song on his vinyl recorder, Taehyung tried to keep his mind away, safe and sound from a certain male and his thoughts. The perplexing thoughts were doing nothing to him rather than messing with his truce.

Taehyung believed a deep breath can cure most of his problems. He had grown up well, learned, and survived better than ever. He was known for the techniques of his art of living because Taehyung has it all in control. Too bad no one knows how difficult it costs to be what he's today.

It takes everything to keep his calm before throwing a fit at the whole world treating him like a mere omega who is supposed to carry pups and take care of households when successful omegas like Taehyung literally pick up their mate from falling into more mess. He cleans every dirt his mate caused, and shares half of his time thinking about the mate though the bond has no particular meaning in their life. Still, he holds on.

He should let go. He should live for him, and take care of himself first. That's where the world doesn't know Taehyung. He doesn't need the questions, the doubts, and the uncertainties. Oh, the omega is the epitome of self-love who never let himself down for anyone or anything. His mate knows that too, very well. That's why Jungkook doesn't mess up with Taehyung's life intentionally. Yet, whatever happens between them, well... let's blame it on destiny.

Sure the world changed a lot. Centuries passed, seasons came and history never repeated. For whom does all this benefit? Taehyung believes his and Jungkook's story changed too. A lot to his happiness but sometimes he wonders if it's all just another delusional dream from what he just woke up.

A small sigh left his mouth as he shifted on his couch, the leather suddenly feeling hot for him, too difficult to sustain. Thoughts will cloud his mind again and again if he sits like that and lets his mind take over. Taehyung knew it very well.

His lazy orbs scanned around the very familiar living room, the artworks on his wall stared back at him, and the tics of the clock sounded like a hymn on a winter night, healing a wounded pup.

After taking a deep breath, Taehyung threw the pillow in his hand and stood up from the couch. Well, life is a mess and Taehyung is an expert in showing them the right place.

~ 🍂 ~

Taehyung wasn't even kidding. He scoffs at himself for doing the stupidest thing ever, mentally scolding himself for doing the same thing he will regret for a lifetime. But no, he can't back away. Especially when his delicate fingers went to twist the doorknob and opened the door.

The freaking pine forest scent made him shiver. It was cold, like a forest after rain, and the pheromones weren't helping him either. He stepped inside, the heavy heart beating loud under his ribcage and he could hear it in his ears.

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