11. Greys Of Fate

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The pack looked beautiful as they all imagined. Locals greeted them when they found the royal council visiting the pack. Daylight spread around the greenish scenery as they walked from one spot to another.

Taehyung was talking to Jimin with a smile. They were laughing and having fun together which is not creating a good vibe inside a certain alpha. They stopped at the market for the villagers and shopped some things for them. And walked to the valley near the woods.

The sun shone bright and the valley was basking in the warmth. The wildflowers were a sight for their eyes. Jeongguk silently followed them, eyeing his brother and advisor having the best time of their life while he was being suffocated by all of these. They glanced around.

There was a lake in front of them, covered with thick woods. The group walked to sit on the lakeshore, breathing ever so calmly. They all take care of certain packs. The pressure was there on their shoulders and the break was an essential one to forget the worries. The young head alpha of Crimson Asterin sat next to Namjoon who smiled at him endearingly.

"Wow... This is so beautiful..."

Jimin exclaimed and all of them agreed. He picked a flower from the nearest plant and gave it to the omega prince. Taehyung took it with a smile. Jeongguk didn't know why he was bothering about the two and why his fist was clenching and he has an itch to scratch something at that right moment.

He has no right to feel like that. After making up a mind like that about the omega prince, he shouldn't think like that. Not like that's gonna change anything between them. Still, Jungkook should remember what he chose. And it's definitely not his mate.

"This place is always our favorite spot in Del Royale. You guys are taking care of the valley very well. It's more beautiful than before. "

Chanyeol said like he was seeing some dream in front of his eyes. He patted the omega's shoulder and smiled at Namjoon. The alpha knows how much Del Royale cares about nature and they try their best to protect their resources. Jungkook was busy examining the place when Alpha Chanyeol broke the peace of his mind.

"Hmm... What kind of places do you like to visit, alpha Jeon?"

Even taking the young alpha's name makes the aura thick and tense. It was really funny that Jungkook doesn't even have to do anything to create the horrible ambiance. Just looking straight into someone's eyes is enough. The young alpha stiffened at the mention of his name and then paused to think about the question.

Jungkook doesn't know what things he likes and what he doesn't. He doesn't imagine he can share a part of his heart to admire anything other than his own self and victories. The alpha never liked anything. He didn't have the feeling of want. He didn't feel the urge to own something.

Whatever he has was the result of a process he did. Like, it was all-natural. He gave something and get something. There are no special things in his life he owned because he liked them. And about a place he likes---

"Oh, he doesn't like places like this. Jungkook likes everything in shades of grey or darker than black. He's allergic to colors."

Jin said with a laugh. It wasn't supposed to be a joke, but they all joined in the laughter of the elder. The omega prince just pressed his lips in a thin line. Of course, Jungkook noticed it. He glared at his brother, controlling the frustrated pheromones, and cleared his throat to explain his perspective.

"Well, monochromes don't fool you as colors do, showing something unreal and hiding something else. It's either black or nothing. Grey pallets have their own beauty."

He knows it was deep and maybe he crossed the line. Because the expression others had on their face was unreadable and bewildered because of his words. He did not have the intention to let them know what he hides and what's behind the masquerade of his cold unapproachable aura.

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