16. Bittersweet Night

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"So you're telling me that Taehyungiee knows your mission here?"

Jin asked again, earning a distasteful groan from Jungkook. They were sitting at Jin's chamber, they- Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin. The advisor sighed at the statement and stared at their head alpha. 

"Do I have to stick that upon my ass to get into your head, Seokjin?" 

Jungkook deadpanned, totally annoyed by his brother's smirking face. He wanted to throw a punch at the elder, but like always, he stopped himself. Jin sat on the bed next to Jungkook in silence and glanced at Jimin. At this point, they both didn't know what to tell. They're afraid if they uttered something stupid, Jungkook will have their head. They know the issues are serious. Of course, now that Taehyung told Jungkook that he's aware of the alpha's plan, Del Royale is not safe for them. There's a big possibility that alpha Namjoon and Hoseok know it too. Jimin's breath hitched. He doesn't want to leave Del Royale like that. He was all good there, and his heart too, so happy. But now, everything is gonna crumble down. 

"I don't know... How and... I don't know what am I even doing here... This is not even my place, where I belong" 

Jungkook mumbles in a low voice. His mood was fine. Head a little light from the nap he took all the day, and tummy full with food. It's just his heart. And thinking about that piece of organ, Jungkook wanted to throw up. He was not in a good condition to figure out the roller coaster of emotions inside him. All he wanted right now was to go back to his pack. He missed his people, his pack warriors, and his training grounds. He missed his little grey world. 

Jin ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair. It somehow comforted him and he unknowingly relaxed under the touch of his brother. Aren't they missing home too? Just like him? Del Royale isn't that even great, to be honest. Jungkook keeps his thoughts shut from the others and said softly. 

"You were the one who told me to gain their trust. Look where it ended up. I hate being here. Fricking trapped in front of my mate." 

Frustration oozing from his tone as he pulled his hair and pacing in the room. Jin and Jimin felt sad about the other, even sadder about the fact that they can't help the alpha. The alpha advisor opened his mouth to utter something but closed fast like a fish out of water. Jungkook raised an eyebrow at that action, demanding silently to Jimin to let that out. Gulping harshly at that, he gazed at Jin before speaking aloud. 

"I--- umm... I talked to Taehyungiee... He sounded a little... Tired... Almost drained out..." 

His words trailed off into a pit of melancholy. The dryness was clear in his voice, much to Jungkook's dismay. Because he can't tolerate a thought about the omega right now, let alone the state of the other. He wanted Jimin to sound happy while saying that, that's the tone of a true Crimson Asterin- finding their joy in their enemy's sorrows. Fun fact, his own heart somewhere clenched at the words when thinking that he's the reason behind the omega's whatever sorrows. Shouldn't he be happy? By destroying someone's peace like that? Yeah, the head alpha he used to be would probably be the happiest at situations like this. But the Jeon Jungkook in him is not, especially when the certain someone is his fated mate. Why does he care? 

The advisor and Jin both searched any expression faltering on Jungkook's face. But nothing happened. Sparing one last glance at two, the head alpha walked out of the room, leaving Jin and Jimin flabbergasted at his doing. 

The heavy steps halted at the backyard garden. To be precise, it was the mild scent that lead him there, towards the peaceful night, lonely moon, and sleeping omega prince. Jungkook was prepared a snarky remark in his mind to shoot towards the other to hide the embarrassment of their showdown the other day. But his throat dried like no tomorrow when his eyes landed on a figure curled on the bench, hugging himself and in a deep slumber.

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