14. Silenced Wants

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The wind gushing around them suddenly felt so cold. Their body shivered but they couldn't bring themselves to care since the words of the omega were like stabbing with a knife on the same wounds. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't make him feel any special. What can he expect from the other? The midnight moon was hidden under the raven clouds. Once again he was being reminded that he was breathing the air of Del Royale, fearless, and out of his reach. 


Jungkook whispered against the smirking lips of the omega. He couldn't believe his ears but the expression of the other wasn't faltering. The warmth of Taehyung left him as the omega moved back, staring at him like he's a void that no one wants to explore. His heart clenched at the moment. Even though they weren't that close, heaven they were nothing. Still, a faint ray of hope was there. It was a genuine feeling, the pain that he felt was real. Now that they're going back to nothing but the strangers they're, it hurts something in Jungkook- somewhere closer to his heart. And it's unbearable. 

"You don't have to act in front of me. Be the ruthless king you're who hates his rivals from the bottom of his heart. No one is gonna judge you for hating me." 

Taehyung said blue eyes have nothing but disinterest towards the alpha. Jungkook gritted his teeth. There is no need for any facade now. It's all crumbling. He can feel that. The pit of his instincts telling him that his master plans of trapping the omega are falling apart. Actually, it's already fallen. The moment he realized the omega is his mate, he knew- he's doomed. Jungkook's hand balled into a fist and he controlled his pheromones. This is going to be the worst game if he lets himself out. 

"What are you talking about? I---"

"You think I will believe you? This is not what I heard about the alpha of Crimson Asterin. I knew it. Kim Yugyeom will play dirty. But this..." 

Taehyung paused, practically checking out Jungkook. Eyes trailing from the alpha's eyes to toes then settled on his face in a snap. It felt burning for Jungkook. Not only the omega challenged him but underestimating his power. The growl inside him was getting hard to control. He wanted to let the other know whom he's talking to. If he does that, Jungkook can't even imagine what will happen next. The same cliche- true blood and challenge of an omega- submit or blood game. The smirk on Taehyung's face widened and Jungkook realized. The masquerade is broken. There's no need of being the one who he's not in front of the omega and Del Royale. Finally, the torture of being good and pure comes to an end. But every solace comes with a cost. And that cost is---

"So, when are you gonna end me? Your job is easy now since I'm your mate..." 

And the cost is either dignity or mate. 

When Taehyung whispered that, Jungkook felt the last thing he was holding was broken. He was expecting a chuckle to leave from his mouth but it turned out to be a growl. It was enough to shake Taehyung and his nerves. The cold wind swirled into a hurricane, the dark getting more black and pheromones were more dominant. No one is asking for a submission. But all Taehyung could do was stare at the alpha in amazement. It's the truth. Even though they're mates, the target of the other is to kill him. The thought somehow doesn't feel right or easy to digest for Taehyung. He's a ruler, strong and fearless. But a part of him is an omega- craving for the warmth of his mate. And Taehyung can't neglect that. His omega wolf is stronger, clever, and never submits to anyone like that. So, Taehyung stood there, anticipation at its peak to hear the answer of the man who was tearing him apart with his glare. No words passed, only the shaky silence. After a good minute of standing like frozen stones, the omega witnessed Jungkook walking towards him, caging his frame between his arms as his back hit the railings. Head straight and eyes sharp,  Taehyung glanced at the alpha. 

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