12. Like an arrow

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"You should gain his trust. Weren't you the one who told the meeting to make them believe that we are trustworthy? And what are you doing now?"

Jin said, swatting away Jungkook's hand from touching the wound. He cleaned and dressed the cuts, even though the true blood doesn't take a lot of time to heal, but the sight of blood on his hands was not a good one. Jungkook leaned on Jin's bed, thinking about what his brother just said. He should earn the trust of Del Royale. That was the plan from the start. But no one expected the omega prince to turn out to be his mate, right? So how is he gonna digest the fact that he has to talk nicely to not only a ruler but his mate? That was a bit difficult for him. He has no intention to stay at this pack and do their chores. He's here for a mission. But all Jungkook could concentrate on now was the fire in his mate's eyes. The flame that can burn his little worlds. 

"Jeon Jungkook, Taehyung is not that bad. Even if you're the king, he's the prince here. Of course, he will have that attitude. Just cope with it. And…" 

Jin told, breaking the train of thoughts of the head alpha. The younger passed a judging look at his brother. He was hearing these words from his advisor and brother for the past forty-eight hours. Tired of all their praises and plans, Jungkook stood up and pulled his coat. Before strolling out of the room, he turned to his brother and said. 

"I got it. You all are his fans. I will find a way on my own." 

He slammed the door and walked to the packground. The night is here. Young and aesthetic around Del Royale. The stars blinking like the jewels of a crown. He walked back and forth. His vague mind was counting the steps and sometimes wandered around his pack. He wonders, why the hell he's here? He promised his friends that he will take care of the omega. He can't break the promise. But when he said those words at the meeting, he never thought his instinct would lead him to his mate.

Jungkook sighed thinking that Yoongi will take care of the pack since he's not there and he will finish whatever business he has here then will leave as soon as possible. The wandering continued, but the shuffling sound made him pause for a moment, and then his black alerted eyes met with the sight of the head alpha of Del Royale. 

Namjoon was in his nightclothes, the armor of the king of the world's largest and strongest pack was not there to decorate him. The crown of proud alpha was also missing. He looks like a normal man. A commoner. Jungkook wanted to return the dimpled smile of the man as the elder walked towards him. Namjoon's shoulders are down, eyes soft and the aura giving him the tenderness of comfort. 


The only word left from the alpha's mouth was that question. Jungkook nodded. Hell yeah, he's tired of everything and everyone. There was life back when he was in Crimson Asterin, happy and powerful, all according to his plans. Good old days. Jungkook reminisced about those days in that span of seconds. He found the alpha still smiling fondly. His gaze dropped to the ground. Even though he's a king like Namjoon, something in the air tells him or makes him feel small when he's next to this man. Jungkook felt like he's a pup in front of Namjoon's aura. Especially when the elder placed a hand on his shoulder, patted him slowly. His hesitancy left at that moment and unknowingly he relaxed under the touch. 

"It's okay… things will be fine, pup. Take care of your wounds, okay?" 

There he goes. Jungkook felt the minimal words making him shiver. He can't trust Namjoon. He shouldn't let himself think that he will have this man to lean on when things are not going his way. The hell, he's here for a mission. To kill Namjoon's brother. The thought alone made Jungkook shudder inside. Of course, he will not show that outside. He doesn't know why his friends said that this man never agrees to their points and attacks them. Because as far as he got to know the head alpha, Namjoon is a person who will talk things out first, second and third then will think about any violence.

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