38. Losing Game

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The world suddenly started spiraling, an abyss surrounded him, and the only thing that kept him in place was the soothing touches of his mate. Taehyung's fingers caressed the stiffened skin of his nape, the omega already relaxed in the embrace. The alpha scooped him in his arms, a soft whine left from Taehyung's mouth but he didn't care.

Opening the door to his car, struggling a little bit, he placed Taehyung on the seat, ignoring the whines of the omega. Taehyung still had his hands clutched around Jungkook's shirt, too stubborn to leave the hold, he pulled the alpha closer. A hand caressed Jungkook's reddened cheeks as he closed his eyes slowly. The warmth spread throughout his cold nerves, relaxing him a bit. He released the hold and tucked Taehyung into the seat.

With an innocent smile on his lips, Jungkook walked toward the driver's seat. He glanced a moment at his mate who seemed asleep, curled on his seat like a child. He started the engine and accelerated the car out of the building. When they were exposed to the empty road under the starry night sky, Taehyung whined. The streetlight was touching his face, disturbing his peaceful sleep which made Jungkook bite back a smile.

"Turn off the light..." Taehyung pouted, voice muffled still it reached crystal clear to Jungkook. He glanced at the road, then his eyes landed on his mate.

The glow on Taehyung made his skin glisten like the crystal sky, cherry lips parting when he took deep breaths, the shirt moved a little showing off his collarbone, head tilted sideways, the perfect jawline grabbing his attention. For a moment, Jungkook forgot he was driving let alone was not breathing.

He gasped when Taehyung squirmed on the seat, pulling the seat belt away from him.


And there goes his alpha heart, exploding millions of butterflies in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to capture that pout, and cage Taehyung in his arms. But he told himself to keep it under control. The omega will take his head if he's in his sober mind and the alpha was never ready for that.

"Jungkookie is bad... I don't like you... I like..."

Taehyung started, his sweet voice filling inside as he played with the dashboard and music system of the car. Jungkook lets him though there was a pang in his chest, and he avoids it. The suppressed urges in him rose, and the low voice that he never listened to was chiming in his head. Taehyung indeed brings out a new face of Jungkook each time they talk. But on this side- even the alpha himself doesn't want to showcase to anyone what he was feeling.

"I... Umm... What was that... That name... Ah, I forgot..."

Taehyung whispered with a pout. After fully facing Jungkook who was driving, he ran his fingers through the alpha's hand resting on the gear.

"Will Jungkookie always come to pick me up?"

"No, I won't. Now keep your mouth shut and let me drive."

The alpha groaned in frustration when Taehyung started messing with the gear, kicking his leg from the break which made Jungkook lose both his control of the car and patience. He glared at the omega who continued doing his things without any care.

"Kim Taehyung. We're on the road. Stop---"

"Oh God, are you kidnapping me? Why am I going with you? Where's my car? What are you going to do to me? Are you going to ki---"


Jungkook shouted, pulling the car to the side. He held Taehyung's shoulder to keep him right in his place and made the omega look in his eyes. Terrified by the change in voice, Taehyung went silent and complied with Jungkook, covering his mouth with his hand.

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