Too Many Phases

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Four painful hours later, the first day of school was finally over

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Four painful hours later, the first day of school was finally over. After a cold soda at the Wreck, the Pogues were ready to start their next mission. Clear John B's name.

"I never doubted them," JJ held the door open for Lea as they walked out.

"Guess I owe you five bucks," Kie lead the way.

"Kiara, I do need those setups done by five!" Mrs Carrera called from the balcony of the Wreck.

"There are other people that work here!" Kie shouted back, walking along the dock.

"None of 'em are my children," was the response.

"I feel that. On a deep, emotional level, I understand that" Pope dropped his bag as they sat on the benches at the end of the docks.

"So are we going to the Bahamas or what?" Lea ran a hand through her hair. This was potentially the happiest day of her life. Or her last month of life, at least. Somewhere mixed in with her anger was hope.

"There's no way we're getting to the Bahamas," Pope shot the idea down.

"There's no way we're gonna clear his name," Lea shrugged, "I've been trying for weeks now, the police won't do anything."

The other three looked at her, shooting each other glances, but Lea didn't notice. She was too busy pulling out her notepad.

"John B's going to get nabbed sooner or later," Kie spoke up, "so ideally, we should have cleared his name like, yesterday."

"I'll tell you how we do it," JJ stood up straight, looking out to the sea.

"So you have it all planned out," Pope raised an eyebrow sceptically.

"As a matter of fact, I do," JJ sounded proud, "We kidnap Rafe."

"Come again," Lea looked up from her notebook.

"Sorry, what?" Pope balked.

"We kidnap Rafe, tie him up and stick the gun in his mouth and just wait till he starts squawking."

"You know torture's a war crime?" Kie didn't even bat an eye at the suggestion.

"So the plan is we join John B in jail?" Lea looked up to JJ.

"Because that is a felony," Pope clapped his hands.

"Alright, well, what have you got Pope?" JJ sat down, defeated, "I was just trying to keep it simple. You know, one-stop and you're done."

"What've you got there, Lee," Kie watched Lea intently reading.

"My notes," Lea struggled to decipher her own writing, most of it a load of nonsense that made sense when she was high, "so far, all they have on John B, are material witness statements."

"I don't Rafe and Ward are gonna change their story anytime soon," Pope sighed.

"But they weren't the only witnesses," Lea continued, "the police won't answer my questions about the pilot."

TACENDA - JJ MaybanksWhere stories live. Discover now