What Kind of Fuckery is This?

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"Why don't I go ahead and see them hands in the air?"

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"Why don't I go ahead and see them hands in the air?"

The man holding a gun pointed to John B's face was definitely not a police man, Lea could tell you that. His face was covered with a bandana, his voice rough and harsh.

"All y'all's hand up in the air right now!" He barked, everyone immediately cooperating. "You out of the car let's go." He ordered John B, the gun trained on his face.

John B did as he said, climbing out of the car as everyone remained silent, speechless from shock.
What the hell was happening?

"Out of the car! Let's go! Hurry! Let them out!"

John B walked sideways around towards the bus door, Lea shuffling away from it and towards JJ.

"What are you waiting on? What are you waiting on? Let them out!" The man shouted.

As John B opened the side door, Lea kept her hands up.

"Go on! Go on! Lets get out of the car! Let's go!" Lea went first, Sarah behind as they hurried out.

"There you go pretty girl, there you go. Get out of the car! Let's go!" The gun never lowering.

"We're broke-" JJ was the last to get out.

"Shut up!"

"We're broke! All right! Just relax!" JJ shouted back, Lea terrified.

"Shut the hell up! Shut up!" The gun turned on JJ, "I'll blow your damn head off! Lay down in the ditch! Lay down in the ditch! On your goddamn hands and knees! Down!"

Everyone complied, Lea in between JJ and Pope, eyes staring straight down as the gun continuously passed over her head.

"Put your face on the ground!" The man screamed. "Stay here, just like that! Put your head down!" Lea had to stop herself shrieking as the man pushed JJ down with the gun. "Don't let me see you look up, alright? That's all you gotta do." The man walked back, gun still on the teens laying in the ditch, towards the VW bus.

Lea turned to look at JJ, her eyes wide with fear. "You ok?" He whispered. She nodded slightly, afraid that if she started talking she'd cry. Turning ever so slightly, she saw the man with his back to them. Slowly, Lea moved her hand from off her head, intertwining hands with JJ.

JJ held onto her hand tightly, as they all lay in the ditch, every single one of them terrified.
Lea looked at JJ as he squirmed about, "hey, hey. We do as he says we'll be fine. We'll be fine." Her voice caught on the last bit, trying to convince herself as well as JJ.

TACENDA - JJ MaybanksWhere stories live. Discover now