It's Raining Men

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The heavens had opened as they arrived outside the surf shop only a few minutes later

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The heavens had opened as they arrived outside the surf shop only a few minutes later. Rain fell heavily, splashing down as Lea pulled up her rain coat's hood, regretting wearing shorts.

"Nice camera," JJ peered over the fence beside her, "where'd you get that relic?" he asked Pope, who held up a huge video camera, resting it precariously on the fence. They had to remain hidden, otherwise, their plan wouldn't work. "Why didn't you just use your phone?"

"Well, first of all, I like my antique relics," Pope bit back, "second of all, this is a telephoto. It allows me to get a close image from far away."

"Lord of the dorks," Kie murmured. Lea spared a glance between the two, at least her relationship wasn't the only one on the rocks.

"For definitive proof of witness payoff, we're gonna need quality glass," Pope said smugly, right before Lea elbowed him and jumped onto her tiptoes to peer over the fence.

"There he is," she whispered, watching as Ward ran through the rain into the construction site.

"Yo, get down," JJ pulled at her coat as they all ducked behind the fence.

"There's Gavin," Pope squinted to see through the camera lens. "Where are you going you son of a bitch? No, no, no, I'm losing him! Shit, where's he going?"

"Hold on," JJ walked backwards, looking around, "hey," he whistled back, "I think I've found something." Exchanging glances, the three Pogues walked to the back of the surf shop, their view of the construction site gone. "We have to go up top," JJ pointed up to the fire escape ladder.

"Hurry," Kie urged as Pope led the way with the camera, "we don't want to miss anything."

"After you m'lady," JJ held a hand out to Lea, who gulped before following Kie up.

They lay down at the edge, looking over the small wall as Pope propped up the camera again.

"Are you getting it?" Kie asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I see them," Pope confirmed, and Lea peered over to see the two men deep in conversation on the top floor of the construction site.

"I can't hear anything over the rain," Lea pulled her hood down, but it didn't help. The storm was too loud.

"Ward's handing him a duffle bag," Pope could see through the lens.

"I think it might be a payoff," JJ said, glumly. If it was, their chances of scaring Gavin into a confession were lowered.

People do some fucked up shit for money.

"Gavin doesn't look happy about something. It looks like he's yelling at Ward," Pope spoke quickly.

"Why?" Kie sighed, exasperated at their lack of an explanation.

"I don't know, but he sure looks mad."

TACENDA - JJ MaybanksWhere stories live. Discover now