Head Nurse Headache

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Y/n and the others managed to get a reasonable distance away from Cú alter and set up camp in a forest. Medb had woken up after the others had her bound. Her usual smirk returned with a vengeance when she saw Lancer Cú in front of her.

Medb: "So I got another hound of Ulster to keep my bedside warm, huh?~"

Cú: "Heh, too bad. That's not why I'm here."

Medb: "Well you clearly need me for something."

Gudao then walked into the tent where Cú and Medb were. He was only dressed from the waist down having wanted to try his hand at seducing the queen of connacht.

Gudao: "We get anything outta her?"

Cú: "Nah. She just woke up so it's to be expected, Gudao."

Medb: "If the shirtless look is supposed to be a seduction effort, you get minus points. You're built like a fuckin' peasant boy. Not to mention, you aren't exactly packin' much in terms of heat below the belt."

Cú had to turn away to laugh while Gudao physically recoiled from the verbal annihilation of his pride.

Cú: "Go help your sister scout the area, Gudao. Y/n might have more of a chance."

Gudao slumped his shoulders as Medb laughed and walked out of the tent.

Medb: "If seduction's your game, then you'll have to do better than that."

Cú: "I know. That's why we have someone who's managed to lay with a goddess of love."

Medb's eyebrow raised as she heard that. A man able to lay with a love goddess? Surely not.

Cú noted her intrigue and decided to make her even more interested.

Cú: "You may also wanna note that Cailleach lives within him and allows him to use her power."

Medb: "C- Cailleach!? That explains the ice..."

???: "That's quite enough, Cú Chulainn."

Cú looked over and saw the second support caster in the group, Chen Gong, enter with his usual knowing smirk.

Cú looked over and saw the second support caster in the group, Chen Gong, enter with his usual knowing smirk

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Chen: "Good evening, Queen Medb of Connacht."

Medb: "First a peasant boy and now an old man? Don't tell me this is the guy you spoke of, Cú."

Cú sighed before a familiar pair of voices erupted from nearby.



Cú: "Gong, stay here and guard her!"

Chen: "Of course."

Cú ran outside and saw a woman in a red coat walking to the campsite. Holstered at her side was a handgun with no less than six fucking barrels.

Fate/Grand Shenanigans: Stateside ShitshowWhere stories live. Discover now