Whitehouse Blackout

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Within the black abyss far beyond our world, a being sensed the awakening of the eighth evil of humanity. It smirked as it learned which beast this was to be.

???: "Hm, Beast VIII is the opposite of Beast II, eh?"

The being closed its eyes and smiled before a voice sounded off from nearby.

???2: "I assume when Goetia inevitably fails to do what he's trying to, you want me to get my hands on this new beast?"

The being looked over at it's assistant, who was smirking with an aura of malice and a hint of lust.

???: "I want you to follow the plan we've set in motion. However, if Beast VIII were to... surrender himself to you. You may do as you please with him before bringing him before me."

The beast's assistants smirk widened as her mind wandered to rather... lewd places.

???2: "Oh, believe me. I'll make sure he'll be more than willing to meet you. It just takes a couple of promises of unending ecstasy."

???: "Do not underestimate him. The eighth beast is by far one of the strangest. Though he does not yet realise what he is. But I feel as though he shall soon learn."

???2: "Then I'll get a move on immediately."

The being nodded as its assistant left. It then looked back at its vision of the eighth beast.

???: "The beast of eternity, is it? You shall soon know me to be a great enemy to your world. I am Beast VII, and you shall fear me."

The seventh evil of humanity laughed to itself as it hovered within the void of space.

The plan was set in motion, all that was left to do... Was wait.

Meanwhile, back in America, Y/n and Gudako were sat in front of one of the cells in the dungeon of the Denver fortress.

Edison snarled as he saw them.

Edison: "Come to gloat? I'll tell you this, you will not break me. I am far too powerful."

Gudako: "You got layed out by Bunyan and Cú Chulainn. Neither of them needed to use their noble phantasms."

Edison paused for a moment before turning away in a huff.

Y/n: "Right, I see what's happened. Open the cell door."

Gudako was surprised. But Karna, who was stood next to them, nodded and opened the door. Y/n then walked into the cell as Karna closed the door behind him.

Edison: "What? Are you going to try and torture me?"

Y/n: "Nope, though the person I'm about to let you meet may make you wish I had tortured you."

Edison narrowed his eyes as Y/n's eyes turned blue. A familiar and sinister laughter echoed around the room. His defiance soon turned to fear as the shadows around the cell expanded into humanoid figures. He held his hands to his head as voices screamed at him in hushed tones. There was nothing in the cell aside from Edison and Y/n, but to the lion-headed presi-king, there was a legion of shadows crawling up the walls as thousands of voices screamed in unison at him.

However one voice cut through the noise of the others.

???: "You see what your hubris has lead you to?"

Edison looked up and saw Chiyo standing next to Y/n with her usual smirk.

Chiyo: "You let your power go to your head and look where it's landed you. Alone. Afraid. And most importantly; At my mercy."

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