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The Chaldeans kept a vigilant watch as they relaxed at their camp that night.

Ophelia, Mash and Gudako were currently in a nearby lake taking a bath while Gudao was in his tent. Astolfo was hanging out with Ash and Lancelot while they belligerently yelled at each other.

Medb was still tied up while Cú kept first watch.

Y/n was currently meditating in his tent, allowing his power to manifest as a sort of mist veil around him. A mix of black, warm gold and icy white mist flowed gently around his body as he hovered just off of the ground. He listened to the whispers of the void that emanated through the black mist. He embraced the warmth of the gold mist and he felt the freezing cold of the white mist against his skin. 

Nearby, the man who had been tailing them made his move and dropped down from the large boulder he was perched on. Cú readied his spear as he sensed the servant approaching. However he lowered it when he saw the servant approaching unarmed and with no clear hostile intentions.

???: "I'm glad to see you aren't the type to fight first and ask questions later."

Cú: "Don't get me wrong, I'll kick your ass if I think you're even remotely likely to turn on us

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Cú: "Don't get me wrong, I'll kick your ass if I think you're even remotely likely to turn on us."

???: "A fair choice. However I wish to speak to one of the masters here. May I?"

Cú: "You'll hafta wait a bit. One's asleep, two are bathing and the other's dealing with two gods and a tenticular eldritch horror spawn with surprisingly nice tits."

The man laughed before taking a seat on one of the fallen logs that the group were using as makeshift benches. Soon enough, Ophelia and Gudako walked back to the group, having dried and redressed themselves after bathing.

Ophelia: "I see we have a guest."

Gudako: "A native?"

???: "My name is Geronimo. Caster class servant."

Ophelia: "One of the greatest warriors of the Apache people. It's an honour, Geronimo."

Geronimo: "The honour is mine, Miss. I will get straight to the point here. I am, at current, leading a Resistance against the two warring factions that commit atrocities across this land."

Gudako: "You want us to join?"

Geronimo: "I know I hold nothing that is of value to ones such as you. However the spirits have guided me to you, so I would beg you, please help us correct this land."

???: "Sounds like a fancier way of saying Make America Great Again. Y'know, without the tangerine and blatant racism."

The others chuckled as Chiyo emerged from the shadows behind Geronimo. He took one look at her before instinctually moving away from her.

 He took one look at her before instinctually moving away from her

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