Umu Part 2: Umu Boogaloo

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Chiyo smirked at Bailong as he coiled around the mountain he was currently resting on.

Bailong: "How do you know that name?"

Chiyo: "Is Ao Run what you prefer? Or can I keep calling you Bailong?"

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Chiyo: "Is Ao Run what you prefer? Or can I keep calling you Bailong?"

Bailong narrowed his eyes as his white scales shimmered. The dragon was clearly expecting a fight, but Chiyo knew she could defeat him easily if he tried to attack.

Chiyo: "So. What's the dragon king of the west sea doing here?"

Bailong: "I have chosen to reside here purely out of self interest. This human seems to have quite the collective of power."

Chiyo: "You can say that again. I've been sensing quite a number of dragons trying to sneak in here. However as powerful as Y/n is, these things have to be a slow transition. He's only barely able to handle the three of us as it is. However Abzu's assimilation into Y/n's being seems to have opened a couple of slots for some more deities. Certainly wasn't expecting one of the four Sihai Longwang to show up."

Bailong stayed quiet until Cailleach and Ahura-Mazda appeared nearby.

Ahura-Mazda: "Well this is certainly unexpected. Salaam. It's an honour to meet you, Ao Run."

Cailleach: "I'm no good with Chinese mythology, so someone wanna explain?"

Ahura-Mazda: "Ao Run, or Bailong, is one of the dragon kings of the four seas. He is the king of the west sea. The dragon of metal, and would you believe it? An aspect of Venus."

Bailong lowered his head to face the Zoroastrian god. Ahura-Mazda was dwarfed by the dragon's massive size as the two came face-to-face.

Bailong: "You harbour much knowledge, foreign god."

Ahura-Mazda: "I am no beast seven, thank you very much. I am Ahura-Mazda of Zoroaster."

Cailleach: "Name's Cailleach, from Celtic myth. Goddess of winter and trickery. Mostly based out of Scotland. Toilicht coinneachadh riut."

Chiyo: "Feel free to call me Chiyo. Though my true name is Shub-Niggurath. The goat mother with a thousand young. Ahlloigehye l' llll ai ymg'."

Bailong: "You all choose to greet me in your native tongue? How strange. However I shall not be rude. Hen rongxing renshi dajia."

The three deities smiled as the dragon turned his eyes to the sky above him.

Bailong: "There is turmoil in the young one's mind."

Chiyo: "He's trying to use his brain for once."

Meanwhile, outside the mindscape, Y/n sneezed violently.

Y/n: "Chiyo. You talking shit again?"

Chiyo: "No clue what you could possibly mean."

Y/n: "... I'm comin' in there."

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