11. Invited

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"Why are we doing this again?" Arya asked, as she carried a wedding dress in her hands carefully and I held the set of veils.

I glanced at her, seeing the annoyance on her face.

"Because she is a customer," I stated, as if wasn't obvious already.

"We've never taken a dress to the customer before," Arya whined.

She could be like this when we're doing something out of our usual jobs. If the store had to be kept open longer or we had to work a weekend, she was not the more cheerful person to be around.

"Yes, we have. You insisted it last time," I reminded her and she looked at me, as if I was completely making this up.

There was a pause, before she nodded slowly, her mouth opening slightly.

"Only because she said she had a eleven cats," Arya replied. "I wanted to see for myself."

This was one the most interesting clients we've had. She was quite a character and clearly loved her cats a lot. She even told us all of their names - in alphabetical order.

Whilst I just thought it was interesting and left it at that, Arya was more invested in this customer and couldn't believe it to be true - until she saw it with her own eyes.

I don't think I've ever seen that many cats together, at the same time, all in one house. Thankfully, there were no fights in-between them, we came out unscathed and weren't there too long either.

"Are we even sure she was getting married?" Arya then asked.

"Yes," I let out a chuckle. "We met her fiance too."

Arya didn't say anything, but just shrugged and hummed in response, as if she didn't really believe it.

I let out a sigh. "Look, if I can do that for you, you can at least come to Tiff's for me," I said.

She let out a slight groan. "Fine."

We both then caught a cab to head to Tiff's, making sure that everything was carefully placed and no creases were made.

Arya then turned towards me. "What about-"

"Allison is going to meet us there," I answered her question, before she asked.

She smiled at me and shook her head gently. We had become close enough friends for me to know what she was going to ask - especially when Arya sometimes liked to ask the obvious.

"Oh, before I forget to tell you, Elias is coming back this week. Please, be nice to him," I asked her.

The shop next to our bridal boutique was finally ready, after a lot of hassle and stress. I'd made the decision to make it into a small bakery, mainly because I love the easy access to cake and it seemed like a great idea.

Thankfully, Will knew someone that was an amazing baker, who at the time was fresh out of this fancy, French culinary school. He needed an opportunity to present his skills and I was in need of a baker.

Elias was indeed an amazing baker. My first meeting with him, he came with samples of his cakes and they were amazing. I hired him straightaway and together, we developed the empty shop into one that was now called, 'A Piece of Cake'.

He was a good enough baker that people just came into the shop to buy a cake or cupcakes with no reason, apart from just the look of it.

Whilst I thought Elias was great, Arya seemed to have some sort of issue with him.

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