Epilogue - Forever (Part III)

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Part 3.

Let's get them married.

Happy Reading :)



Everything was ready.

My dress was on, my hair done perfectly in a pretty bun, with a few loose tendrils out. My veil was on, nothing too long, but just simple enough to match my dress.

I told my family I needed a second to be alone and walked into an empty room to just breathe.

I was nervous. This was finally my wedding day. A day that took so long arriving towards, I thought I'd never have it.

But now, not only was I having a wedding, but it was with the man I had loved for so long.

A thought like that made me take a small breather from everything, just to collect myself.

I was bursting with happiness, but a small fraction of me was terrified that it could be taken away like waking up from a dream. I just wanted to pinch myself so I knew this was real. That this was happening.

Twisting my beloved charm bracelet around my wrist, I felt myself relax a little more.

A sudden knock on the door then startled me out my calm state, and when I looked towards it, Emma was peeking her head through.

"Serena," she called out my name and when her eyes found me, she smiled bright and walked into the room. "Oh darling. You look divine," she complimented me.

I grinned at her words. "Thank you so much, Emma. You look beautiful as well," I told her, as we hugged.

She truly looked beautiful, wearing a light blue, pastel coloured dress, and her hair out in curls.

"Thank you, dear," Emma smiled back and then reached into her clutch purse, to bring out an envelope. "I actually needed to give this," she said.

I looked at her confused.

"Okay?" The word came out like a question, wondering why she was giving me this.

"This is for you," she said, and I reached out to take the envelope from her. "Open it once I leave," Emma then told me.

I nodded at her. "Alright," my confusion still evident in my voice and answer.

Emma then cupped my cheek gently, a feather like touch, as she smiled at me warmly, her eyes already appearing slight glassy.

"I can't wait for you to marry my son," she said and with one more glance, she then left the room, leaving me with the mysterious envelope.

I waited for the door to close and then opened the envelope, peering inside to see a card of some kind.

When I took the card out - I was left stunned.

There - in this messy, rushed writing, was a message from my husband-to-be.

Liam had the worst handwriting. He could be a doctor with just the way he writes. It's worse that it's joined-writing, if it was printed it would make it easier.

Luckily for me, I've known him a long time, and I can read his writing.

Hi, my darling.

I just wanted to let you know, I love you. Today, at the end of the aisle, you'll see a man very much in love with you (it's me, don't look at anyone else).

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