26. Lola

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After Tiff's beautiful wedding ceremony and then the reception, I was back at work.

It honestly felt like I was living in a dream for a day and now I was back to real life. Back to my lovely store.

After the wedding, I think I appreciated what I do a little more, by seeing how a dress from my store really enhanced the beauty of my customers. I wasn't providing some kind of necessary service, but I still felt like it was good thing. It uplifted my mood.

However, my mood wasn't the only one that had changed.

Will had been acting a little strange ever since the wedding and I really couldn't seem to figure him out.

Sometimes, it would seem he was lost in his own world. I'd call out his name, he wouldn't hear, but when he did, he'd shrug it off and say he was okay. I'd question it, but he would insist that he really was fine and that it was nothing.

This was reoccurring to the point, where I was starting to get a little worried and his reassurances weren't doing anything but adding to my worry.

Will was never the kind of guy that was usually aloof. However, now it seemed like he was a hundred miles away, even if he was sitting right next to me.

I wanted to help, but I didn't know how. He wouldn't let me in. I also didn't want to push, in case it was something he just needed to tell me in his own time. I continuously just hoped that time would hurry up.


As I arrived at the store this morning, I noticed had I had to open up, which meant Arya wasn't in yet.

I assumed she'd be late anyway, since she had mentioned Louis had planned a special date night. It was something that Arya was initially upset about, since she, surprisingly, wanted to attend Tiff's wedding, but apparently Louis wanted to have to this date night.

I thought it was pretty sweet of him. If she didn't come in at all, I wouldn't be shocked. Although, I just hoped she wouldn't send me one of her dirty texts about how good of a night she had - something Arya occasionally liked to do. I literally have no idea why.

After about an hour, I had already opened up the store and set up. We hadn't had a customer yet, but since Arya wasn't in, I needed to remain on the shop floor, in case someone did come in.

Just when I was trying to going over our appointment book, I heard the bell ring above the door.

I assumed it would be a customer, but to my surprise, it was actually Arya. To add further to that surprise, she walked in with a massive, shit-eating grin on her face as opposed to her usual scowl.

Before I could even open my mouth to question this odd behaviour of hers, she spoke first.

"Louis proposed!" Arya shouted excitedly, and I let out a small scream myself.

Quickly moving towards her, I pulled her in a big hug. "Oh, my God. Arya, Congratulations. I'm so happy for you guys," I told her and then grabbed her hand. "Let me see the-...wait, where's the ring?"

As soon as I asked that question, Arya pouted. "I turned him down."

I blinked a few times, trying to process what she had just said and also if I had heard correctly.

She must have lost her mind.

"Why would you do that?" I asked her the most obvious question.

Arya sighed. "Because I wanted to propose first," she said and I swear I wanted to her get her head checked.

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