45. Sweet Dreams

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"Liam! Hurry up!"

I didn't understand how he could be taking longer to get ready than both Bea and I. We had both been sitting in the living room waiting for him and yet there was no sign of him.

"Yeah, daddy! Hurry up!" Bea yelled out.

I laughed at her actions and she grinned at me. I picked her up and placed her on my lap.

"Oh, you are so my girl," I said, kissing her cheek.

We were getting ready to go to Sara and Danny's apartment. She had given birth yesterday to a beautiful, little baby boy.

I had been at the hospital, especially since Danny seemed to be freaking out when he called me and also asked if he needed some kind of documents. I had no clue what he meant by that - but then he just asked me to bring balloons to the hospital.

There were so many questions on my mind at that moment but I just put them aside and did what he asked me to do. I think he just needed someone to hold his hand and tell him it'll be fine, whilst he held Sara's and said the same.

It was also the most amount of emotion I've seen him display.

This morning, we were going over to their apartment to decorate before they would come home from the hospital. Chris and Miguel were going to meet us there as well.

All the decorations were with us and packed, yet we hadn't left.

Liam finally walked into the living room, strapping on his watch and looking at both Bea and I with raised brow.

"This isn't exactly fair," he said. "How are you both double teaming against me?"

"Because we are a team," I replied.

"Duh," Bea added and I grinned.

"My little munchkin," I cooed at her, hugging her tightly.

When I looked up at Liam, I saw through the smile he was trying to hide. He shook his head at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Aren't we getting late now?" He asked, raising a brow.

I laughed at his tone. "You sound a little sour," I commented.

Bea held out a mini chocolate bar that I had given her. "Have some chocolate," she smiled innocently at Liam.

I couldn't help but laugh at her actions. I was sure in her mind, she assumed Liam had actually had something sour and now she was trying to give him something sweet.

Liam narrowed his eyes at me. "Let's go," he said, grabbing the bags.

I followed behind him, holding Bea's hand and still laughing, whilst she looked between the two of us in confusion.


"Finally, you're here!" Miguel exclaimed as we walked through the door.

"Sorry. Liam was taking his time," I said.

He looked at me straight away, whilst I just gave him a cheeky grin. It was really fun just getting on his nerves.

"I had to change. I got coffee on my shirt," Liam told the other two.

They chuckled his exasperated look, as did I.

"Okay, I have everything here. Pick your weapon," I told everyone, opening the bags we had brought in.

We didn't want to overdo the decorations, since it was probably going to be annoying to have things hanging around with the baby, but wanted to at least to a little something.

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