Epilogue - Forever (Part IV)

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This is it. The last one.




That's at the top of the list of words to describe my overall being right now.

At the start of the ceremony, I could of sworn my heart was in my throat, the beat of it just resonating throughout my body, and my fingertips just felt fuzzy.

It was silly really, since I had been planning to propose to her for a while now, and this is what I've wanted, but actually being in this moment was something else. A different feeling altogether.

I was giving Rena her happily ever after.

After being her main cause of unhappiness for years, and endless amount of tears, I just wanted her to have at least one moment to cherish forever. Just like I will cherish her forever.

When the music began, I felt my hands shake, and had to keep them clenched in a fist.

Rena loved listening to classical music when she was trying to unwind after a long day. She would often relax and listen to a cover of Disney songs, but that were played by the piano, violin or cello. It was why I knew this would be perfect for her to walk out to.

Then slowly, the bridesmaids began walking out, each of them behind this annoying curtain, which meant that I couldn't clearly see Serena. I could catch glimpses of her, but that's it. It was killing me.

Everyone began to whisper looking at each of them walking out, with flowers in their hand.

They were all smiling at me and when Sara walked out, she was grinning at me.

She must know that Rena looked dropped-dead gorgeous right now, and the wait of seeing her was killing me. I was so close to just walking down that damn aisle myself.

When the music changed slightly, I knew that it meant that Serena was about to walk out, and so I prepared myself, taking deep breaths.

Breathe in and breathe out.

However, after a few seconds had passed and no one else walked out, my anxiety was on a new height. My worries were slowly beginning to get the better of me, as every second went by, and she still hadn't walked out.

I thought she wanted this, just like me. Surely, she wouldn't leave me like this. I think.

Everyone began to look at each other in confusion, my parents facing me with equally bewildered looks.

When I looked to Sara, she gave me a shake of the head and a shrug, which meant that she was lost as I was, and that was worrying.

Sara and Rena were basically like sisters, and if she didn't know what this pause meant, I definitely didn't.

Then - thankfully - music began to play again, and when I looked to the entrance of the door, I saw my daughter walking out with a bright smile on her face and the flower basket in hand. Alongside her was Daisy, her flowers gripped between her teeth, and Hugo, holding onto Daisy's collar.

They all looked so adorable, my eyes already began to sting with the feeling of oncoming tears.

When Bea began to carefully throw the flower petals, she looked like she was concentrating so hard so she wouldn't get it wrong. It was amusing.

Hugo walked to Sara, still holding onto Daisy, and she gave him a kiss. Sara's Mum then came to take Hugo, since Danny was holding Sofia.

Bea walked right up to me and I bent down to quickly kiss her cheek.

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