21. Exhibition

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"Oh my God, I'm so proud of you. This is amazing!" I shouted, whilst hugging Miguel.

My feet were off the ground, as I hugged his tall figure.

His tanned skin looked a lot more bronzer since coming back, which made his blue eyes shine brighter. It only made him look a lot more handsome.

"Thank you, baby," he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek, once he'd set me on the ground.

Sara was then the next person to hug him.

"Honestly, Miguel this is amazing," she gushed.

He waved us off. "You both are too much."

When I spotted Chris, I ran over to him, practically jumping on his back, causing him to stumble forward, and then laugh.

"You're back!" I practically yelled, tightening my hold on him, before letting go.

As soon as I did, he turned around and wrapped me up in a bear hug.

"I've missed you, Chris. You're not allowed to go away for so long anymore," I whined.

Chris had gotten himself a tan too, but not as strong as I expected. I wouldn't be surprised if he was avoiding the sun and instead spending his time in front of the computer, messing about or creating things.

"I've missed you too, Serena," he said, kissing the top of my head.

He pulled away from me, to hug Sara, who was muttering some things in Spanish, which we didn't really know if they were pleasantries or curses.

"I actually have been gone really long. You have a ring on your finger-" he said to me and then looked at Sara, "-and you're now pregnant," he said and we both laughed.

Sara frowned. "I know, we're old now. Gross," she shuddered.

"Speak for yourself," I scoffed, earning a smack from her.

I was by the doorway, waiting on Will to get here, since he was running a little late after closing the cafe.

Instead of him, I saw two other familiar faces.

"Hey, you both made it," I smiled, seeing Liam and Bea, dressed in their best evening wear.

Liam wore a suit, black blazer and white shirt, whilst Bea wore her own black dress, matching him.

"Bumblebee, you look so beautiful," I said, crouching down to hug the girl.

She blushed at my words. "Thank you. You look pretty too."

I kissed her nose, earning a giggle from her. "Aren't you the sweetest?" I cooed, and Bea nodded her head agreeing with me.

Looking up, I saw Liam smiling at me.

"Hey," he greeted.

I straightened up and smiled back at him. "Hey. I'm glad you came. You're going to love this," I told him.

Liam looked confused but just nodded anyway.

I motioned for him to follow me and did so, holding onto Bea's hand securely and gently tugging her along.

Grinning to myself, I tapped on Chris' shoulder. When he turned around, he smiled, before the expression morphed into one of pure shock, when he noticed who was behind me.

"No fucking way. Oh my God," Chris said.

I quickly moved out of the way and let Chris hug Liam, who also shared the same shocked expression.

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