41. Confession

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This is it...



Christmas was finally here!

There was a festive spirit in the air all around me.

The Christmas Market was a few days ago and it great success with so many people coming to support it.

Our stall did pretty well too. Elias has baked an array of Christmas-themed goodies and I made my carrot cupcakes, and I had Elias to help at a snowman-themed icing on top of them. It was only really fresh cream and a little carrot design, but people believe what you tell them when it comes to food. Especially dessert.

The Hunter family came to support us as well, which of course, included Liam. By sheer coincidence, I wasn't at the stall at that time, instead I was in the store, bringing some more of the cakes.

I didn't have to face him then, but I got the message about Christmas Dinner and it was expected of me to be there.

My parents even called me, telling me they were going to be coming to the dinner and also kindly informed me they'd stay with me too.

On Christmas Eve morning, I was greeted with my parents at the doorstep with presents in hand, and extra cheerful.

We were actually meant to spend Christmas Day with the Hunters and the thought of that wasn't exactly putting me in the cheeriest of moods.

It most definitely wasn't them...it was just me. I felt lost.

Everything in my life was in order, yet there just seemed to be something missing.

Liam wasn't my missing piece, I know that, but he was like my unsolvable puzzle.

When my parents asked me if I was going to be joining, a question they already knew the answer to, since I was still sitting in the living room with my joggers on and with Daisy lying by my feet.

I told them I couldn't and they didn't push. After they left, I decided I couldn't be at home.

Being at home alone on Christmas like this was usually okay, but right now it felt as the whole room was closing in on me.

So I thought I couldn't use some fresh air, as well as Daisy.

This was the reason why right now, I was standing by a frozen lake, with Daisy running about and playing.

Just as I was admiring the winter view...


The sound of his voice had me frozen, more than the lake that I was stood in front of.

I didn't want to turn around.

Every part of me was screaming not to turn around and yet, I knew had to finally face him.

When I turned around, I saw Liam standing right in front of me, enough that he if he reached out, the tips of his fingers would just touch my coat.

His face looked a little red from the cold, his coat and scarf wrapped around him, but what caught my attention the most were his eyes.

Despite all that's happened between Liam and I, he's never looked at me this way.

I couldn't quite describe the look he was giving me. The anger was clearly present, but it was the hurt and disappointment that got to me the most.

"Liam?" I questioned him. "W-what are you-"

"-Doing here?" He finished off my question for me. "That's actually a good question, but I'd rather you answer that yourself," he said, crossing his arms.

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