44. A New Year

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Of all the emotions I currently felt, that was definitely the most overpowering. I was so happy.

After Liam's confession, I wasn't entirely sure what to do. On one hand, I just wanted to jump into his arms and stay like that, but I knew that I couldn't do that.

Both of us, we had a past. All that we had been through, not been through, said and not said, rushing into this, it didn't feel right.

I knew I made the right decision for myself. After a long time of thinking about others, I just wanted to think about my own feelings for a change.

I was worried, that as soon as I told Liam I didn't trust his feelings, that would be it. He'd be hurt and mad, and I wouldn't see him. The awkwardness would be too much and we'd just have to not be around each other.

However, I was more than surprised when he said he'd wait.

He was actually willing to wait as long as it took, until I was ready.

That alone gave me a little more faith in him.

He didn't turn away, instead he wanted to stay. No one ever stayed and he wanted to.

I don't even know how long we stayed on the floor like that, with me in his arms. Every time that I tried to move away, I felt Liam tug me closer towards him. He didn't want to let go.

It was only when I complained about my knees and muscles hurting from the awkward position, did Liam immediately stand up and help me up too.

That was also the moment Danny and Sara came back. I had completely forgotten that we were at their apartment.

We explained to the both of them what we had both decided on, and I didn't not miss Danny's smug expression. He told me afterwards to make Liam work for it and to make him suffer.

I didn't want to make anyone suffer, that wasn't really what this was about. I wanted both of us to be sure before we would become anything.

Love has a tendency to blind you. You put on these rose-tinted glasses and everything becomes cotton candy clouds and rainbows at the start, but when you take those glasses off, all of that can slip away, if you're not careful.

From all that I knew about relationships, from my own, and those around me, trust was the most important thing. I needed to trust Liam wouldn't break my heart and so far, he was doing good.

It felt like we'd reverted back to teenagers in a puppy love stage, with the texts and calls.

He'd send me cheesy jokes, picture of him pulling weird faces, cute videos of Bea and him, and one of my favourites, he'd always text me goodnight.

He was going to make me fall for him all over again.

And I don't think I minded.


It was late at night and I was already snuggled up on the sofa, with a tea and the television on. It wasn't too long left till midnight and I was very excited, since celebrations were going to start and I wanted to watch them all.

As I sipped on my tea, I saw my phone light up with Liam's name on the screen.

"Hey," I answered the phone, with a goofy smile, I don't even know what for.

"Hi," he replied, although his voice sounded a little off, well a little awkward.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

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