2. Spilt Coffee

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I really hate being late to work.

To be honest, being late to anything gave me anxiety, even at school. I didn't like it. Being on time for things was something that I always tried to keep up.

However, right now I was rushing to get to work.

I thought that before work, I could use a little something extra this morning, instead of my usual coffee at home. I wanted a special blend of something. Unfortunately, the queue to buy coffee was so damn long.

If you couldn't decide what drink you want, I would just make more sense for you to stand outside the line or just let others, who know their order, go first. But that, apparently, wasn't a thought process that everyone had.

I ended up spending fifteen minutes in the queue. I was not happy.

Luckily, Arya was already at the shop, to open up and set everything. But I still didn't like to be late. After being in line for the first ten minutes and being so close to ordering, I didn't want to leave, so waited.

Once I managed to get my order, I was weaving through people, trying to get to work.

I carried on walking my normal route, turning a corner, when something, or more accurately, someone bumped into me.

"Ugh, what the-" I started to say, when my precious coffee, which took so long to get, was dropped onto the ground, but not before soaking me in the process.

I chose a great day to wear a cream coloured coat.

"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry."

I looked up to see a blue-eyed guy in front of me, with a guilty expression on his face.

I couldn't help but look him up and down, from the mess of brown bed-hair, to the wrinkled white t-shirt, red flannel and his blue jeans, which also looked like it needed an iron.

It seemed liked I wasn't the only one in a rush this morning.

"Just please watch where you're going next time," I said, giving him an annoyed look.

I was more irritated about the coffee spilling, than him bumping into me.

"Sorry, I was in a rush," the guy apologised once more.

I glanced back down at my sad little coffee, that was now in a little puddle of its own.

"It's fine," I said, crouching down to pick up the now, empty coffee cup, since littering isn't something I wanted to do.

I straightened up and made a move to walk around the guy, only I couldn't do that, since he came in my way.

"No, it's not," the guy said and I gave him a confused look. "Your coat is all ruined because of me," he noted, looking down at my sleeve, which had a noticeable darker stain on it, compared to the lighter colour it was before.

"I said it's fine," I told him with a forced smile, but the guy still wouldn't get out of my way.

"Let me buy you another one?" He offered and my brows knitted together in confusion.

Was this guy seriously offering to buy me a new coat?

"What?" I asked and he looked down at the coffee puddle.

"Another cup of coffee? You dropped yours because of me," he said and then glanced up at me with a sheepish smile on his face.

Of course he wasn't going to buy me a new coat. That was wishful thinking at its best.

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