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With the recent crisis going on, I'm hoping you all are well and stay safe.
Take care, everyone x



I caved.

I wasn't sure if it was my curiosity that got the better of me, the way Liam was so sure, or just that I wanted to get away for the weekend.

Well, it was probably all of the above that made me agree to go on the trip.

The last of my things were brought over to Sara and Danny's place and I was officially moved out. It brought about this empty feeling and one of regression - like I was moving backwards in life, rather than forward.

I didn't know exactly what Liam had planned for this weekend but I assumed a part of this trip was to cheer me up and I wanted that. I wanted to be happy. If this trip would help with that - I'd be glad.

My bag was already packed, with only the essentials. I tried not to overpack, especially for a weekend trip, but I was never good at that. I always thought I would need things and didn't want to be without them, especially in an emergencies.

It was still only a small suitcase - even if for a weekend trip - but I was convinced I had everything I could possibly need in that.

I had no clue where I was going - which also didn't help the packing situation.

"You all packed?" Arya asked.

I was in the store, waiting to be picked up by Liam. Since we had to leave this evening, so we could get the most out of the weekend, it just made sense.

"I think so," I smiled at Arya. "You can go if you want. I'll lock up."

"You sure?" She asked.

I smiled. "Of course. Go home to Louis," I told her.

She grinned before nodding, moving to the back room to grab her things.

"Alright. Have a fun weekend and thank you for the time off," she said.

"Thank you," I told her, watching her leave the store.

Since I was going to be away, I didn't think it was fair to leave the shop to Arya, so it was going to be closed for this weekend. We didn't have any fitting appointments, so I didn't think it'd cause much of an issue.

I also told Elias he could have the weekend off. For him, it was mainly to cope with the new trainee we had hired - who I also gave the two days off. I think he deserved a break from training.

A few minutes after Arya left, I began to close up, making sure all things were secure and in place before I left. Elias had already locked up next door, so I didn't have to worry about that.

Just as I straightened the dresses on the rack, I felt my phone vibrate.

"Hi," I greeted Liam.

"Hey, we're outside," he said.

"I'm coming," I told him.

I grabbed my bag and headed out - not before doing a final check and putting the security code in for the alarm.

When I got to his car, Bea's face was the first I saw. She was grinning, practically hanging out the open window.

"Serena!" She exclaimed.

Liam, who's back was turned towards me as he stood next to the car, turned around at Bea's voice. He then smiled at me too.

"My little Bumblebee," I smiled walking towards her.

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