Chapter 4

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"Kureno!" A voice called out startling the brown-haired boy as his face lit up in fear as she turned to see a small Miko in uniform running towards him and smiling. 

"Look! I've got my uniform! and it was my first day today!" Miko smiled widely turning around as her long hair span with her. 

"That's good" Kureno muttered nervously while Miko looked at him in confusion before smiling widely. 

"Also. I'm going to become a big sister! Isn't that great!" She called out with a smile while Kureno just wore a guilty expression looking at her. 

"It is.." He mumbled while Miko furrowed her brows in confusion at seeing how nervous he looked and the guilt in his eyes as she grew closer. 

"Kureno" Miko muttered grabbing his hand while the man's eyes widened, he looked around in fear and worry as she grew closer. 

"I'm sorry!" Kureno shouted snapping his hand from the girl as her eyes widened watching him run away. A tear welled in her hand as her whole body shook. 

"Kureno.." She trailed off before she got an itch as she started to scratch her arm, she continued to scratch before footsteps echoed behind her. 

"Miko?" A voice questioned as the girl looked up to see all three older teenagers looking down at her. Hatori wore a concerned expression as he kneeled. 

"Hatori-san!" Miko cried while Hatori's eyes widened after the girl had rushed into his arms crying, while the teen simple hugged her. 

"What made you so upset princess?" Ayame asked with a smile while the girl looked up at him before she looked down. 

"Kureno ran away from me" She mumbled while Shigure simple looked down at the small girl. 

"Uhh" Miko groaned loudly rising from the bed as she looked to the side to see a sleeping Shigure as she simple nodded before she grabbed her phone from the side her eyes trailing down the messages before she smiled.

"I have to go" Miko whispered to the man whose eyes opened as he looked at her before he sighed.

"Do you?" Shigure asked as Miko looked down at him again before she chuckled to herself pulling her top back on as she stood up.

"I do, The shop won't open itself" Miko smiled as Shigure nodded watching as the woman got ready as his head rested in his hand looking at her. 

"You never told me what happened last night" Shigure questioned him rising from the bed Miko looked back at him and placed her earrings in her ears with a frown before she stopped and gripped her arm. Shigure looking. 

"It doesn't matter. It won't interest you" Miko stated before she smiled. Miko was, unfortunately, oblivious to the time and knew that her cousins and Tohru were on the other end of the door eating breakfast. 

"Goodbye anyway," Miko stated before opening the door, her eyes widened as she was met with the teenagers. Both Kyo and Yuki dropped their chopsticks in shock while Tohru looked confused. 

"Miko!" Kyo shouted standing up in shock and pointing toward the older woman while Miko simple looked up to see Shigure smirking at her. 

"I'm going to kill you" Miko grumbled while Shigure simple smiled before making his way over to Tohru. 

"Oh, Miko you can finally meet Tohru" Shigure smiled as Miko wore an annoyed expression on her face as she glared at the grown man before she smiled.

"Oh, Your tohru" Miko stated with a smile as she came towards the women, Yuki and Kyo still wore a dumbfounded expression while Tohru simple smiled.

"Yes, It's lovely to meet you" Tohru smiled while Miko looked at her before she genuinely smiled Miko's eyes widened slightly. 

"I'm Miko. Hatsu Haru older sister" she stated with a smile Tohru's eyes widened while she smiled and reached out her hand. 

"HatsuHaru has a sister?!" Tohru questioned dumbfounded while Miko simple smiled at the girl Yuki looked at Miko with a smile. 

"How are you, Miko?" Yuki asked while the older woman turned to the dark-haired girl before she smiled and patted the young boy's head. 

"Me? What about you? Haru told me about your attack" Miko asked with a smile while Yuki looked at her. 

"I'm fine now" He stated while Miko simple nodded and smiled before she looked towards Kyo who simply looked away, especially from feeling the glare from the older women. 

"You aren't causing any trouble are you Kyo?!" Miko asked with a glare while Kyo simple looked away before he frowned. 

"No, Of course not" Kyo muttered while Miko simple smiled before she looked down at her watch. 

"Do you three want a lift to school? It's on the way" Miko smiled while the three teenagers looked up at her. 

"Oh thank you, we should be fine" Tohru smiled while Miko simple looked at her before Shigure came from behind her. 

"I would take it Tohru. Miko is normally not this nice" Shigure stated while Miko wore an annoyed expression before lifting her fist and hitting him on the head. 

"I'm only mean to you because you deserve it!" She shouted before she reached for her bag and placed it on her shoulder. 

"Come on kids, Go get in the car" Miko smiled while they ended up just nodding and running towards the door to get their stuff Miko sighed before looking up at Shigure who was now standing. 

"I will see ya round Shigure" She simply stated as she started to walk away. Shigure looked toward her before grabbing her hand and pulling her back.

"Miko..." Shigure mumbled while the women's eyes widened as she was against him, his mouth near her ear "Look after yourself" he finished as the woman stiffened. 

"Soon Haru will be joining your school" Miko stated as she drove the car. Kyo and Tohru sat in the back while Yuki sat in the passenger seat. 

"Oh, great" Kyo mumbled before resting his arm on the window while Tohru simple smiled. 

"Awe that would be wonderful" Tohru stated with happiness while Miko looked at her through the mirror. she frowned. 

"I trust you will look out for him" Miko stated looking towards Yuki who looked back at her before they had pulled up outside of the school. 

"Thank you Miko" Kyo mumbled opening the door and walking out while Tohru smiled at her. 

"Thank you so much miss Miko" Tohru smiled bowing before she started to walk with Kyo. Miko sighed loudly looking to see Yuki. 

"You better say what you want to say now Yuki, or you will be late" Miko muttered looking towards the school, a frown on her face. 

"Does Haru know about you and Shigure?" Yuki asked while Miko simple shook her head before Yuki opened his mouth again.

"Does Akito know?" He asked while Miko shuddered before she chuckled to herself holding her face while Yuki's eyes widened slightly. 

"Akito probably knows or will find out sooner or later. But I don't care as long as Haru is okay" Miko stated while Yuki's eyes widened before he nodded and left the car. Miko sighed loudly before she looked down to see nail marks on her hand. 

"Damn... Why is it all so messed up?" 

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