Chapter 9

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Season 2

"Haru, Breakfast!" Miko shouted knocking on the door, she wore a simple black skirt and red blouse. She groaned not hearing a response "That's it. I'm coming in!" she shouted opening the door but her eyes widened.

"Haru?" Miko questioned as she saw the teen simple standing in his uniform looking out his window, Miko furrowed her brows.

"I'm fine" Haru stated before walking past the woman, her eyes widened especially on seeing his sad expression "I'm not hungry" he mumbled while Miko simple tilted her head. 

"You just want to go straight to school?" Miko questioned the boy while he simple stood at the end of the corridor before he simple nodded. 

"Haru!" Miko shouted towards the boy stopping him while he simply stopped and still stood there Miko wore a concerned expression "Are you okay?" she asked

"I'm fine Miko" Haru stated while Miko simple continued to wear a concerned expression "So just stay out of my way" he grumbled before walking out the door. Miko's eyes were wide

"What?" Miko questioned before her hand flew to her head, holding it as she groaned loudly. 

'Is he okay' Miko thought as she stood behind a woman with an apron as she was curling her hair, Miko's face was full of thought

"Miko-Chan!" A voice called out though the women still stared off

'Is it about Rin, Did he find out? will he do something? Oh shit, what if he goes dark?' Miko thought biting her lip

"Miko chan!!" the same voice soon shouted louder causing the woman to lift her head, she turned to look towards her co-worker who held up the phone

"There's a call for you, it's from the high school" the co-worker stated while Miko's eyes widened.

"Wait till I see that Idiotic teen!" Miko shouted towards Mayu who simply laughed at the angry woman before the teacher sighed

"Maybe you should calm down, he's already heard enough shouting" Mayu stated while the dark-haired woman looked at her dumbfounded.

"Like hell! He deserves me to shout at him, He broke a window and had a rampage in class! I am going to find him!" Miko shouted before storming away, Mayu sighed loudly watching the women.

"Uhh, I should have known!" Miko cursed to herself as she walked around the school, she grumbled to herself "Damn it Haru, You should have spoken to me" Miko stated before her eyes widened

"Ah" she stated before holding her head and leaning her other hand on the wall as she was unsteady before she breathed in "Damn migraines" she mumbled before she looked to see Haru and Yuki in a classroom.

"I am calm" Miko mumbled to herself before walking toward the classroom

"Hey" Miko soon stated at the door of the classroom, both Yuki and Haru looked towards her before Haru sighed loudly. 

"Hey" Haru stated before walking towards the woman as he looked to the side with a guilty expression before Miko sighed

"Go get your bag and I will take you home," Miko said patting him on the back as he nodded and walked away, Yuki looked at her as the older woman sighed and groaned loudly and looked towards him. 

"Was it bad?" She asked looking at the silver-haired boy as he simply looked down as Miko groaned again before looking towards him with a slight smile

"Thanks for the help with dark Haru" she sighed before turning and walking away while Yuki watched, concern on his face for both of the siblings. 

"You gonna tell me what's up?" Miko asked as she drove her car and Haru sat in the passenger seat before he placed his arm on the window

"Nothing," Haru simple said looking out the window as Miko sighed before rolling her eyes.

"Smashing a window isn't nothing Haru, you gonna tell me or not?" Miko asked with annoyance before Haru looked at her

"I don't want to stress you out even more," Haru said as Miko stiffened her eyes widened before she looked at the young boy to see his sad expression before looking back at the road. 

"What makes you think I'm stressed? besides even if I am I have enough time to listen to my brother" Miko said with a smile as she still watched the road

"Rin broke up with me," Haru said as Miko's eyes widened looking at the teen before she frowned

"I'm sorry Haru, but you know what Rin is like. She puts everyone before herself so it will be a good reason" Miko said as Haru's eyes widened

"Do you know something?" Haru asked as Miko simple shook her head

"No, of course not" Miko stated with a smile before looking back, a guilty expression on her face before she soon wore a smirk. 

"You're also suspended by the way, so I hope you have lots of video games" she stated with a chuckle while Haru was simply dumbfounded. 

"Haru! I'm off out okay? So feed yourself!" Miko shouted before she opened the door, her eyes widened as she met Yuki's silver ones while she furrowed. 

"Woah, I didn't know Yuki had a twin" Miko stated with wide eyes while Yuki dumbfounded at the women

"Is Haru here?" Yuki questioned while Miko moved aside and let the teen in while she still looked at him in shock. 

"Yeah, he's just in his room" Miko mumbled while Yuki smiled and bowed towards her before walking down the corridor, Miko looked after him

"Yuki!" Miko called out before the young boy looked towards her, confusion was written on his face before the woman smiled "Thank you for checking on him, it must have been hard" She mumbled before closing the door. 

"So.. you saw Akito?" Miko asked as she lay in the futon that covered her naked body and Shigure sat at his desk, glasses on while writing.

"Why do you ask?" Shigure said not even looking up as Miko said sitting up and bringing the cover with her to cover her body. 

"Did Akito find out about Rin and Haru?" Miko asked firmly as Shigure's eyes widened slightly before turning and meeting the deadly glare of Miko.

"What makes you think I know?" Shigure asked as Miko simple still looked at him with a glare. 

"Because you know everything that she does," Miko said before looking down at the ground, a frown on her face

"I know you love her, I don't know why but you can't let her keep hurting people, especially people who don't deserve it," Miko said looking at the floor as Shigure's eyes were filled with concern seeing her frown.

"Miko!" Hatori shouted running towards the girl, who rested on the floor. Her nose bloody while she was covered in bruises, Hatori lifted her "Can you hear me?" he questioned

"Is she okay?" Shigure questioned while Hatori continued to look over the girl whose eyes were closed. 

"I don't know, but we need to get her to a hospital" Hatori started picking her up

"No! Let her die! She shouldn't have been born anyway!" A voice soon shouted while Shigure's eyes widened looking over to see Akito stood there with a scowl and bloody hands.

"You did this?" Shigure questioned in shock

"Hey," Shigure said making his way over to the woman and his hand going towards her cheek, caressing it as Miko's eyes widened

"If I knew I would have stopped it, I know it would upset you," Shigure said as Miko's eyes widened as they looked at one another

"Thank you Shigure," Miko said before kissing him on the cheek as his eyes widened before he looked away, a smile on his face. 

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