Chapter 10

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"Uhhh, I don't know what to do" Miko groaned as she lay on her bed, looking up at the ceiling, her hand on her head with a loud sigh. 

"This pain in my chest, what's wrong with me?" Miko groaned and her hand went to her chest, clenching her red blouse in hand. 

"You're fine, your heartbeat is normal and you don't display any signs of heart problems" Hatori stated with a sigh while Miko's eyes were furrowed and dumbfounded looking at him in confusion. 

"You must be wrong!" Miko shouted standing up before Hatori glared at the woman "Nevermind!" she scurried sitting down. 

"What makes you think there is something wrong?" Hatori asked with confusion and he started to clean his office, Miko sighed placing her head in hand. 

"I just got this weird feeling in my chest" Miko stated her other hand going towards her chest, her face in confusion "I've never felt it before" she finished with a frown. 

"Is it like butterflies! When you see the person your chest feels like it will burst and explode from your chest! You can't bear to be apart from them!" A voice called out while Hatori sighed loudly and Miko groaned.

"My dear Miko! that feeling is amazing and nothing to fret over!" Ayame soon shouted, slamming the door while both Hatori and Miko grimaced. 

"Hello Ayame, still don't enter like a normal person?" Miko asked with a slight smirk while Ayame simple smiled.

"One's entrance should always be fabulous, gain the attention of everyone in the room!" Ayame smiled while Miko simple chuckled before Ayame looked towards her "Never mind that. My poor princess, this feeling is good" Ayame smiled. 

"You never actually said what it is" Miko stated with obviousness while Hatori was dumbfounded at the women Ayame simple chuckled. 

"Oh, My naive princess" Ayame chuckled grabbing the dark woman's hand and kneeling while Hatori continued to sigh in annoyance "That feeling is love!" Ayame stated while Miko's eyes widened 

"No! No! No!" Miko shouted scurrying away, slamming her head into the wall while both Ayame and Hatori's eyes widened on seeing her scared expression. 

"There is no way its love!" Miko shouted again before she ran towards Hatori, eyes wide and gripping his collar "Do more tests! It can't be love! it must be something else!" she shouted

"You are fine Miko" Hatori simple stated while Miko's eyes widened before she let go, her head slamming against the wall. 

"Awe Miko! It is wonderful, you have found love and it can blossom into something beautiful" Ayame smiled towards the woman who still leaned her head against the wall. 

"It can't be love. I know what love feels like and this is not it" Miko stated before she walked away. Hatori's eyes furrowed while Ayame simple looked in confusion

"Why is she so upset? Love is a good thing" Ayame stated with confusion while Hatori looked after her in concern. 

"Not when it comes to Miko" Hatori stated with a frown. 

'There is no way, there is no way this feeling is love' Miko stated as she was now walking down the street. No coat as she simple wandered 'I know what love feels like she stated as her mind wandered to Kureno.

'I love Kureno' Miko stated before she sighed remembering back to that time before she shook her head 'No I loved Kureno' 

"Hmm, Hmmm" An older Miko hummed, long hair behind her while she walked through the house. 

"Miko" a stern voice stated while the women turned to see the older maid, the one always by Akito's side the women's eyes widened. 

"Can I help you with something?" Miko glared while the older women just scowled at the young dark hair women

"Akito has asked for you" the older maid stated while Miko's eyes widened, her body shook in fear as her hand went towards her arm squeezing and tightening. 

"Okay" Miko mumbled before following the maid, her whole body shook with fear before the older woman stopped at the door, Miko gulped widely. 

"You can just go in, No knocking necessary" the older woman smiled sinisterly while Miko furrowed before she walked towards the door, Opening it. 

"Akito, You called-" Miko stated before her eyes widened, she stepped back, her breath shaky and face full of shock. 

"Oh, Miko" Akito mused as she sat up on the futon covering her naked body while Kureno rested beside her also naked. Miko's eyes were wide with hurt.

"Miko?" Kureno questioned while Miko's eyes simple welled up in tears before the women ran away "Miko!" Kureno shouted once again while Akito simple smiled. 

"Why?!" Miko cried as she stood by a fountain in the main estate, tears falling down her cheeks before she heard someone coming behind her. 

"Heartbroken?" A voice asked while the crying Miko looked up towards the voice to see the older silver-haired man of Shigure.

"What do you want Shigure?!" Miko exclaimed looking away and wiping her tears while the man sighed loudly. 

"You love him right?" Shigure asked while Miko simple continued to look away, tears welling down her face again "I love her" he stated while Miko's eyes widened. 

"You love Akito?" Miko questioned looking towards him while the man simple wore a stern expression and looked down

"Why don't we help each other out? Be a source of comfort?" Shigure soon questioned turning towards the woman while her eyes widened looking towards him. 

"You mean?" Miko questioned while Shigure simple reached out his hand and cupped her cheek before a smirk fell on his face.

"I've always found you interesting" 

'That's right I loved him' Miko stated with a frown before she looked up, her eyes widened as she saw a scene in front of her. Kureno with a blonde girl, holding her face.

"Kureno?" Miko questioned, just like that day before her hand flew to her chest. Looking down in confusion 

"Why-Why doesn't it hurt like before? This feeling is different" Miko stated before she simple laughed to herself. Passerbys looking in confusion

'Because Ayame was right. I'm in love but not with Kureno but...


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